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    Cydney was the star of the season for me, I'd love to see her back.

    I read it when it came out and loved it, and then about five years later and liked it. It will always be memorable to me for its dissection of frisbee throwing, and those last few pages: demanding to be looked at. The book has a love of play amidst 'real life' events, and it captures something in it. My life, like

    Four articles does not a Zelda week make.

    Sammy Hagar has that hair too.

    Joe is the least interesting Survivor player in a long, long time. Down with him.

    So pretentious sounding of you.

    Whatever dude. Sometimes perception says more about the viewer than the subject.

    You're his audience because you like (some of) his movies. That's cool. People have different tastes. It's not an insult.

    Enjoy his work. I've jumped ship. There are so many other directors of interest out there for me to follow that his absence will not be noticed. If he makes a project that seems interesting in the future, I'll be open to giving it a chance. But his DC adaptations are not for me. He thinks they're art (his

    There's lots, especially as he tries to differentiate DC movies from Marvel. Look around for them. I'm certainly not a butt hurt fanboy, I couldn't care less about how things are adapted. I'm very happy with the comics, and movies are movies. Are they good movies? That's a separate question, but I find Snyder's

    I didn't hate him until he started pretending he wasn't making super-hero movies, but stories of gods and legends…. and his stuff is the simplest, least thoughtful work. He already tried to do Watchmen, made something adequate and not very rewatchable, why would he do it again? I have zero faith in him. I feel that

    WTF is wrong with Zach Snyder?!

    It's pretty crazy to be misty eyed over a joke news show, but, yeah, I was misty eyed too.

    Yup, the one good track on the album was Flaming Lips' "Bad Days"

    I was working in a CD shop when the Batman Forever soundtrack was out. I had forgotten how cynical that CD made me (I never listened to the best seller, Garth Brooks). Spider-Man bringing Nickelback on the credits wasn't helpful either. You've brought back some… interesting… memories.

    Can't read an 'article' that uses the phrase "on accident." You may as well change 'going to' and ''want to' to gonna and wanna in all articles. It's cute that kids change the language, but if you want to be a "publication," why not command the language, instead of be led around by it? Would any writer for the AV

    1989? I remember Bloom County, and I remember the less memorable Outland. I thought Bloom County made it to my 20's (past 1995). I guess I was wrong. It strictly existed in my halcyon days. Man, I love my first Bloom County trade as a ten year old, Read it numerous times. And a loved that Billy and the

    Nickelback: The Movie

    "By accident". Now write it on the blackboard 50 times.

    Happy to see you name Maurice Vellekoop in the piece. It's a great picture, and I feel he never quite got the love he deserved.