
I think Sex and the city was bad too, but i think that till season 4 was at least a little funny and interesting. The best of moments of the show was when talking about only sex, cause the romantic relationships were poorly developed as the characters. Also The protagonist, Carrie, is boring and by far the worst

Dc could do amazing things with batman now on the justice league. Look to the animated pictures, how good it is. But they really dont know development history and characters on those movies. And to be honest ben affleck dont match batman, he was a bad choice.

Thanks god Crazy ex girlfriend is not on showtime. I think CW is perfect for the show, even thou i would like to see more dirty words and stuffs (Silas deserved a middle finger, for sure). The show is, as said above, dark and edgier, but with a funny and bright tone that i dont know if the showtime would keep.

Yes, it was so sad. the whole flashback was more depressing than i was expecting. To me, this is the best episode of the serie and I think that the biggest moment of the ep was when rebecca run to the edge and looked to the water and stones, suggesting she was thinking in suicide. This is the first attemp CXG shows us

Agree.with u, but that's the point of the show. Everything Rebecca is doing in her romantic life isn't healty or right or even likeable. We are here to understand her, seeing why she acted like that and as an Anti Hero of rom com, most of the things she does are way worse than everyone of the show (maybe except for

The songs this week are all great. I love the Santa Ana winds and rewatching him singing (yes, i alredy rewatch) i just like more and more of he singing. The Daryl's song is good, but Getting bi is still his best. Lets have intercouse is a great and subvert song, not as amazing as settle for me, but very good and

That scene… it made me cry like no other finale made me since the finale of six feet under. of course Regular show was way more soft, but the formula was the same: scenes of the group get older with an amazing song - heroes is basically about the brevity of the moment, the carpe diem , the ecstasy of a glorious brief

What scene she said this? Cause i renember very well one of the best lines of this show on the pilot where she exactly said "Dear God, i dont PRAY you cause i believe in Science…". This is a good hint, but i can imagine someone who believe in God but is not very into religion saying these lines.

Rachel Bloom said that she wants just 4 seasons and probably we are not gonna get more than this. And as Adam schlesinger said:
1 season - Crazy ex girlfriend
2 season - Crazy girlfriend
3 season - Crazy wife
4 season - Crazy ex wife

"How is Califórnia? Have you found a Temple out there yet?
Well I don't believe in God so…"
I knew it Rebecca was atheist! This is the first romantic comedy i can renember where the protagonist is an open atheist. And she hide this from Josh by saying that they both belived in god, in 1X05..

He is 5'4'-5'5''. Valencia probably is slighty taller.

I think Rachel Bloom just doesnt like tal guys, cause it alredy happen when she explain why she break with Trent to Josh, she said he was too tall.
(At 5'11'' i really pay attention to tall guys, so…)

"Toxic? Is that his word, your word or Britney word?" Britney Spears reference here in a sad and hard part of the dialogue. The things that felt cute - even with an amount of dark hints - now are just too ugly to look at. The almost "pregnancy", this stalking, are just horrible. Josh is right in many points, in some

I learned that everything in this show is put to be development. Nothing is throw away and forgotten, so i bet that the writers are gonna put this in the story somehow again with more depth. Maybe they at least put the reasons why rebecca try suicide in the past or that she have wishes about being death with a song

One of the best series on tv right now, it's on the level of arrested development, 30 rock and Bojack Horseman (I know, it is an animeted series, but so real and has a premise close to the CXG). Rebecca is the ultimate anti hero of the rom-com. Too bad the ratings are low!

The episode was amazing cause Rebecca single is a million times better than in a relationship, the best of the show is when they focus on her mind and made her doing something besides chasing a guy/ being with a guy. Also she with Josh was really annoying, both are so childish together . Greg will be missed, he was a

As friends i liked their relationship, even with flaws. They had chemistry, good moments and the ambitious, almost OCD and "brainly" of Rebecca mixed with the zen nature of Josh and his asianbro style was good to watch. Not now. Josh is the real queen of denial, not Becks who at least knows after a season that she

The relationship of Josh and Rebecca is really annoying now, while she is manipulative and liar - the ping pong thing was ridiculous, even thou is a White lie- , he is tottaly immature and reckless in their relationship, he even don't cared to go out with her and worst never said she was his girlfriend, while living

Yep, the episode was not that strong, i really did not like Paula song and her storyline with rebecca, Greg song was one of the weakest of the show, but after "ping pong girl" OMG, they bring an amazing moment - Greg and Rebecca talking about their relantionship, it was so bittersweet and sad, at same time Greg seems

Honestly, i felt sad in this episode. The obsession of Becks is letting her mad and in a bad place again, she takes all the "love kernels" of Josh and is letting be used for him to feel better and have an "adult life". He also seems sad, almost lost without Valencia and wishing to grow, afraid to return to his parents