
Josh and greg are bad in opposite ways, but greg seems to know her more and has a intelligence and sense of humor closer to her, i prefer they as a couple as you, but I am really #teamTrent, he was tall, crazy about her and with cooking skills, he even clean the dishes!. At least They have to bring back Trent, he was

I love Valencia. I hope that the show use her more, she's a bitch ( sorry for the sexist term) but she's totally right. I mean Rebecca is trying so hard to be with Josh, she is terrible with valencia, and even Paula disrespected her now. And by the way, the second best thing on this episode is this rivality between

HIMYM had always amazing and one of the best narratives on tv: full of mysterys. But happens that the biggest one wasn't about of who was the mother, but the reason of why it starts it Robyn and not with the mother. It all makes sense, many episodes and the way that old Ted talks leaves us to the logic conclusion that

Sad spin off to a great show.