
No thanks, Internet.

Extra penises? Did you pay the Iron Price or the Gold?

I'll preface by saying I know that Sherlock is very flawed, but I've appreciated the uncharacteristically subtle way the writers/creators have handled Sherlock's drug addiction. It has been touched upon throughout the series (For example, in the first episode, the police search his and Watson's flat for drugs), but

I figured the overacting was intentional. Emilia wanted lots of witnesses for her "suicide" and did everything she could to attract attention to herself. More witnesses, more people to spread the story of the vengeful ghost bride and further her group's cause.

…the lady who played Precious in Precious, Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire.

The Wendigo really got screwed by this list.

I think I was too young and dumb to really "get" Company the first time I saw it, but the music has really grown on me in the past year or so. "The Little Things You Do Together" is just brilliant.


You should check out Wonderfalls for a better Dhavernas performance. I didn't like her on Hannibal until after I saw Wonderfalls and realized she had a lot of talent as a comedic actress.

They're both probably older now than the character as written, but I think either woman would make a very appealing Laura.

But in the moonlight it looked quite black.

That is the correct answer where Anchorman 2 is concerned.

Unfortunately, all child singers appearing in Kidz Bop are sacrificed to the Old Ones before the release of each new album. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu Kidz Bop R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Cumberbatch seems more salamander-faced than frog-faced to me.

I knew that line was familiar!

Aaliyah's voice was smooth and lovely. She was a very refreshing change from the shrieky showboating that a lot of the other young singers from that time were doing.

Getting rid of Nightmare on Elm Street and The Exorcist before Halloween? For shame, Netflix!

It'll do the trick, Sir! True, Sir, True!

I so wish AV Club would cover SVU weekly. I have a feeling that the comment section would be a place of constant hilarity.

I'll allow it.