
Show me on the doll where this trailer touched you.

That would actually be clever, so we know that that ending is out.

Bojack is a great show. I'd really recommend it. On that episode, Bojack is away on a trip, and his roommate Todd meets a tour bus on one of those Hollywood tours and they think Bojack's house is David Boreanaz's house. Hijinks ensue and Todd starts charging people money to see the inside of "David Boreanaz's" house.

David Boreanaz got a b-story plotline dedicated to him on Bojack Horseman, so that, to me, will forever remain the highlight of his career.


I wish they'd let MacLachlan keep his grey hair. He looked fantastic with it on Portlandia.

Whatchu talkin' 'bout, GenXered?

I can't eat pork, so I'll stick to Gentle Farms because nobody knows chickens like chickens.

He was a Cornflake Boy, but he thought it was a better solution hanging with the Raisin Boys.

"Pink" is one of those songs I enjoyed as a child that I realize had a lot of not-at-all-subtle sexual innuendo once I became older. The rest of Aerosmith's catalogue falls into that category as well.

That is very interesting.

Harvest Gold was the Millennial Pink of the 70's. Almost every inch of my neighbor's house from when I was growing up was gilded with it.

Yeah, they lost me with that song. I'll own up to completely enjoying Nine Lives. I love "Pink" and "Ain't That a Bitch."

"It's okay. You can look at my butt." Don't have to tell me twice!

of cock

I'm sure she's heard much worse. I imagine his wedding vows to her had many references to grabbing pussies.

That's clever. I'm one of the few (one of the… one?) who actually enjoyed Tusk. The villain's monologue built to such an absurd crescendo that I couldn't stop laughing. It's a dumb movie, but it's exactly what I thought it would be with that name and that premise, and sometimes that's enough.

I guess I have residual fond feelings for the old Politically Incorrect of my youth. Rufus Wainwright was a panel guest, and he was so funny, I bought his album without ever hearing him sing. He became one of my favorite musicians. So, thanks for that Bill…. and that's about it.

When that song comes on, I think about how difficult it would be to understand the lyrics if English were not your first language. And then I think "why am I thinking about a Train song?"

When you're famous, you can just take it. Just grab them by the pussycats.