
My family had one of those blankets on our couch when I was little. Eventually, it disappeared — thrown out or tucked away into some box or hard-to-reach cabinet. I prefer, however, to imagine that it went to Hollywood where it is making bank due to its cameos on sitcoms I don't watch.

Gawd Bless the Ewe Esss Aye!

They breed'em hot as an advertisement for their faith.

I would watch the hell out of that.

The silliest part of my mind hoped that Chilton would visit Beverly's assorted pieces and try to get her in on the revenge plot last week.

I think the end of this season is supposed to get into the Red Dragon plot. Since Fuller doesn't have the rights to Silence, I assume the next season is just a long dance party.

He is also a mannibal with a plannibal.

The secret's out, Buddy! You're going to JAIL!

"Her name is Alberta/ She lives in Vancouver/ She cooks like my mother/ and sucks like a Hoover!"

I'm sorry for your loss, Zero.


He said in an interview a few years ago that he aspires to play Sweeney Todd one day. If Esparza makes that happen, I'll have to get my ass to New York.

Still works.

Weird. I had been under the impression he sang like that because he's an asshole. I'm still not convinced that I'm wrong.

I watched Wonderfalls after getting into Hannibal. Jaye Tyler really makes me wish Alana Bloom was a more interesting character.

Yeah. I'm not shedding any tears in my chianti just yet. If Community could get rescued, I have a feeling Hannibal definitely could.

Chilton did just fine without his… for a little while.

Eat Flesh!

When I learned this one simple editing technique, I couldn't help but weep.

Eh, I've known men who'd pay more to have certain nipples lovingly graze their wrists.