
late to the game here, but i'm… kind of baffled at the reviewer's dislike of christina, especially when they choose to express it over her actions this episode - jay is probably my favorite character, but he was acting like kind of a creep (three hours, dude?) and christina more or less told him that.

i don't think y'all are wrong about blondie being dwight, but man, i would have figured show-dwight would be less… weaselly?

Right? The human jaw is strong but not that strong, even with the supernatural bone-crushin' tendon-rippin' strength walkers seem to have (I swear to God I about cracked a tooth on a chicken bone once, how are they ripping through tendons without losing teeth??). A leather jacket seems like it would be pretty

To be totally honest, I hadn't even thought about their original uses when I typed my comment - with medieval warfare and weaponsmithing in mind, spears would totally be a better option in the zombie apocalypse.

do you preface everything you write in the comments section of an article/review with "this is just my opinion, but…"?

i'll be a little bummed if it goes the comics direction because i don't really want to see that on my tv, but he is SUPER ANNOYING so whatever however

I don't know if this is really lamely earnest of me, but I feel like spears would break if lodged into skulls repeatedly, even squishy zombie skulls. Knives are probably more dependable. What I don't get is why they don't wear fucking bike pads or something on their forearms when they're stabbing chompy zombies in

Nah. Like the teaser says, THREE MORE EPISODES LEFT IN 2015!!!!!!, and I'm guessing we'll get the big Glenn Is Alive reveal either in the last episode of 6A or the first in 6B.

THANK YOU. I'm all for Rick/Michonne in fanworks, even if it's far from my main ship, but I would love to see Michonne stay an important leading character for reasons that don't turn into "Primary Love Interest".

primary takeaway: i have never gone from covering my mouth in anticipation to tabbing back and forth between the episode and twitter so quickly.

i was super into how the formerly badass french soldiers suddenly couldn't so much as bolt their crossbows this episode.

i understand that "you killed athelstan" was supposed to be ragnar's "i know it was you, fredo" moment, but… he's known floki killed athelstan pretty much since it happened, right? like, this was NEVER a secret, right?

observation one: god, i am already so tired of dead athelstan. that final scene with ragnar ~communing~ with athelstan was cringeworthy.
observation two: gustaf skarsgard is ABSOLUTELY KILLING IT. his last scene with helga was heartbreaking.

big kudos to anyone that can survive the debacle that was sons of anarchy.

"I actually think Floki - in his twisted way - thinks he's protecting Ragnar. Ragnar's apparent interest in the Christian religion and God worries him."

i'm REALLY wondering if alexander ludwig is going to be top dog by season 5.

i can't see floki betraying ragnar AT ALL. the entire point of killing athelstan - to me - was essentially to 'save' ragnar from athelstan and his christianity/non-paganism. that's been floki's problem from the start: athelstan's influence over ragnar.

boyd crowder's tight pants!


oh, my bad! reading is hard.