
Lol, we've seen Bellamy's storyline already in the form of good old psycho, Finn. What a disappointment. At this point, the show should kill Bellamy off if they don't know what to do with him, Bob is too good for this and needs to go and play Nightwing on Arrow.

Fridging Gina for Bellamy's manpain because they can't be bothered to give him a decent arc is cheap. Two steps forward, one step back. Although this episode deserves an A for the blessed absence of Murphy's obnoxious face.

Raven just about killed me in this episode. I'm thankful to the writers for at least letting us see her grapple with her disability but yeesh, it hurts - Lindsey Morgan is something else.

I mostly remember Sebastian Stan for being truly terrible on this show, horrible horrible acting - so it's funny that he's the most successful along with fellow wooden matinee idol, Armie Hammer.

It's the first movie, all of the characters need to be fleshed out further. Just like how in Ep IV no one walked away knowing the characters fully, it took three films to flesh out their arcs, and it was worth the wait. Not sure why Finn's such a sticking point here.

Most of your questions are answered in Before the Awakening. It's sad that we don't get to understand some of the nuances but hopefully the next two films will flesh some of the internal conflict he's got to have going on and what it means to shake off that programming.

It's been 7 seasons, and finally we're seeing her lady boner's character development.

Bonnie and Enzo are scorching. I didn't know a simple tie-fixing scene would have me not only on board but raising the flag for this ship like it's my job. Kat and Michael really are selling it and it doesn't feel forced, which is nice. I'm happy to see Roerig actually doing what he's paid to do, please don't die

I feel like Julie Plec's odd hateboner for Kat Graham or the character Bonnie is the reason why the more obviously interesting storylines aren't being fronted this season. Damon and Bonnie (+ Alaric) are the only vaguely entertaining thing about the show these days, everything else is overwrought or silly. Can we just

Given that Lily's an insane ripper and all the heretics are too greedy and unrestrained, capable and quite happy to massacre whole towns, I can kind of get why she wants to set up in Mystic Falls and keep under the radar. Her first plan was unrealistic to begin with though because really, keeping them on that

I didn't miss Elena at all, which I expected. I also didn't miss Kai, which I didn't really expect but he started getting tiresome once he came to the modern world anyway so I'm glad he's gone. I thought the evacuation was a bit of an extreme reaction and I'd hoped we'd see more of the heretics wreaking havoc before

Because only dull, predictable English-sounding names are beautiful? Really?

Lol, and with good reason.

And not just Mormon men, but missionaries from a lot of different religions and Westerners who go to do volunteer work/"charity" in so-called Third World countries.

I enjoyed everything for once, even Connor who used to be irritating (mainly because of the villainous smirking). Him and Oliver are the heart right now, very endearing. Wes and Annalise need to bone already, please, make this happen universe. Better yet, a threesome in which he ends up tied up while Amanda Waller and

I'm not sure how Ryan Murphy is taken seriously by anyone. He's awful, and always has been.

From your keyboard to the gods' ears.

We have no oil, she has no reason to invade us, ahaha.

Oh don't worry, I can't stand either of those either. I'm an equal opportunist who wishes that pretty much every bland, probably white and pretentious singer-songwriter that people laud as interesting or vaguely revolutionary in their artistry would fall off the face of the earth - you can add James Bay to Sheeran and

Thankfully I'm not American so I won't have to suffer that unavoidable travesty (if anyone could become president it'd be her).