
I'm sure it is stunning (his version of Bad Blood and I Know Places are really good, those are the two I've heard so far). It doesn't make her or her creepy horde of celebrity sycophants any less irritating.

What a stupid, indulgent project. I'm genuinely tired of the music business worshipping Taylor Swift, can we get some Gaga 2013 backlash at her already so she can slither into whatever hole she came from and emerge in a couple of years as a somewhat tolerable (if even more boring) version of herself?

Even Grant Gustin is annoyed with that part of your review.

The selective viewing people have when it comes to actually paying attention to these kinds of details alarms me. It's almost like there's a whole different show in which Iris is the devil incarnate and everything else about the show is 100% perfect. Fascinating.

This. Danielle Panabaker and Carlos Valdez both fall into the traps that numerous actors who play scientist/geeky types have fallen into - trite, predictable habits. Valdez is at least mostly funny and has gotten better over time. I just can't get into Panabaker's acting except, incidentally, when she's playing scenes

This show is great, a bit inconsistent in the second half for me but this is also the half that's had the best episodes so it's an okay trade-off. It's nice to have a superhero show that isn't afraid to go camp, if they can find a way to write stronger villains who are campy, it'll be awesome. Also, GRODD. But just

You're right. There are some curious double standards in general when it comes to people's reading of Iris, whether they're vilifying her for doing things that Barry has done or any of the other leading ladies on other shows. It's messy as hell.

"Shit happens. Why? Because we say so. Don't like it? Fuck you." Absolute best summary of this season and a couple of other TV shows on the CW right now. Awful.

What a truly weak sauce season of television, ugh. I hope the writing team get back on their A game next season.

I was so embarrassed for everyone in that scene. When he was tossing her about it was just hilarious.

Surely Bonnie could just become a vitch, thus technically dying and breaking the curse but not being killed off entirely at the end of the series? Any time they reprise that feathers scene, I weep like an idiot. They did it at Bonnie's funeral and it was the one moment in that ridiculous scene that got me. God, they

This show is just a bit unbearable and illogical sometimes.I can't even form a useful analysis it's just weird.

When an actor impresses a viewer (me) with their ability to convey emotion, to evoke something inside me as I watch, whether it's empathy or satisfaction at the fact that their character is getting a chance to express themselves or do something interesting, I'll praise them. Just as I praised Cavanagh's performance

As someone mentioned down thread, can we at least give some kudos to Candice Patton's acting? I think she's really good, probably my favourite actress in both The Flash and Arrow. I like that she manages to avoid irritating hackneyed mannerisms and still convey her character's feelings with sincerity and warmth (well,

Ugh, yes, there are two episodes that stand out to me where I think the writing's just gotten Iris flat wrong or just been very clumsy in the way they've written her. It's that one you mention and the other double date with Linda. Maybe they should just stay away from that kind of love square crap forever. Although

Yes because fridging is an entirely new and imaginative form of storytelling. (sarcasm)

True. I'd be kind of sad if they go that route but they could sell it - Cosnett would make a pretty great Booster.

I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just saying that in this universe where Iris and Barry clearly depend on each other emotionally to the degree that they do, the fact that she was specifically in danger and no one thought to tell her out of their paternalistic need to "protect her" — her hurt is justifiable in the

True. Obviously it's not enough to turn him into Darth Vader in a blink. Note I said "planting the seeds". He's not going to become the iconic Eddie Thawne tomorrow. But Eddie's ambitious nature and hubris has been a part of his character from the pilot actually. In my comment I did try to clarify that it's not about

I mean the specifics are always going to be different because it's a different story but the level of hurt and sense of betrayal for life-long friends, which both Iris and Foggy are to Barry and Matt respectively, are of equal weight to me. And justified in both cases for quite different reasons. Breaking it down