
Dear all the people mad and salty that Iris got rightfully angry about being lied to by her loved ones and confronted Barry and Joe et al.: If I find out that you watch Daredevil and were happy and supportive that Foggy got to be mad at Matt for lying about being Daredevil but somehow find Iris' reaction too terrible

I wonder how Caitlin's "bond" with Grodd will be used once she becomes an antagonist. That'll be fun to watch.

I liked how they were planting the seeds for Eddie's inevitable descent into villainy. It's not entirely because Iris will choose Barry (which she will) but he wants to be remarkable. He wants to be special. He wants to be more than a footnote in the Thawne family tree. Eobard's glee as he was telling him about his

Stephen Amell is pretty weak too. He's just lucky that Oliver has the emotional range of a teaspoon so he's not compelled to do much acting. Barrowman, Ramsey, Katrina Law and Manu Bennett are great. The Flash's cast is pretty strong throughout, there's no one who really lags in the scenes - although I think Danielle

They've been "showing" us Barry and Iris' connection from the very first episode. Don't blame Iris or the writers because you failed to pay attention.

Yeah, that seems to be Oliver's approach and we all know how well that goes, bless. I guess there's the Batman and this Dark Green Arrow way of things where the hero must exist in splendid isolation, a slave to their mission, and generally miserable to himself and all those around them. Or there's the Clark Kent/Barry

Iris wouldn't do that. She's not an idiot, although the fact that you'd even make this suggestion implies that you think she is.

Or perhaps like complex humans, Iris and Barry & Co. can deal with the emotional fallout while also vanquishing the villain. The idea that Iris does not have a right to know that she's in danger and was specifically targeted by the Reverse Flash (as per the scene with Joe way back in the middle of the season). Whether

Iris will also be crucial in helping to shape Barry's public myth/image, which is kind of pivotal. No one else in STAR Labs can do that.

If they had not at first established that Barry and Iris tell each other pretty much EVERYTHING, I'd understand this. The fact that everyone and their grandmother's left tit knows who Flash is made it all the more unpalatable. I like it when characters are allowed to respond in an emotional, irrational and thoroughly

They're not even trying with their science are they? Lol this show.

Timeless classic. This song always hits me in the gut. RIP.

John Cho needs to be the leading man on every show ever. Him and Idris Elba should do something together, a buddy cop dramedy or something. Better if it's set in space. Dear god. I don't think I'd survive.

The only person who ships Barry and Iris more than Joe is Eobard. I can't believe he threw that engagement ring away - that's Eddie's savings, down the drain. Too rude.

Joe really does do the absolute most but I have a feeling Iris is going to cut all the men in her life down to size for their nonsense next week.

Call me a sucker, but I really do appreciate when comic book couples give me warm fizzy feelings, and it only happens with the big ones (Clark and Lois when someone gets them right, and the like) so that spark really got me. They're cute and pretty and they love each other, and the little kid in me did a cartwheel

Candice Accola despises that ship with a passion, I doubt they'll go back there again. They threw the shippers their bone when they hooked up and that's the end of it.

It's amazing how much better the show is with their narratives taking the lead. I think the show has mostly exhausted its Elena-driven plots, I hope the writers get that.

Lol, you know, I'll take that instead! Oh, Boreanaz, it is indeed embarrassing if you can't seem smarter than him. But then again, Stefan has always been channelling Angel complete with distressingly furrowed brow. Kai with his new feelings gives me heavy Spike vibes and his confrontations with Bonnie remind me of

Well, THIS is the way to get me on board the Stefan/Caroline train. It's like a less camp, less punk (and therefore kind of inferior to me) Drusilla and Spike. Stefan is still a self-absorbed turd (him and Elena are too alike, god) but humanity-free Stefan tagging along on humanity-free Caroline's adventures?