
Same here. I thought I'd scoff, but somehow they've pulled me in - from the initial butting of heads to cave paintings to awkward staring and dragon petting. And it's far more compelling as a construct than X person falling for Y because X saw Y amputating a soldier's foot. It has to be said.

I find I have absolutely no issues with the incestuous Targaryen dynasty riding again in the form of Dany, Jon and their inevitable magic babies. I should probably be concerned about that but I'm sold on everything they're giving me with this relationship for some reason.

I genuinely can't stand Jimmy, so I was coming into this irritated and nothing won me over. Meh episode but possibly not as boring as last week's? Or perhaps they're about the same.

At least Zayn can sing well, I have to say. So far all I'm hearing is One Direction B-sides from Styles which - given all the hype about him and the assurance that he'd revolutionise the pop landscape or whatever - is not what I wanted to hear.

If you think of it, they were all hooking up before these kids were even zygotes. So the kids are weirder, possibly, heh!

I genuinely wish I cared about Bughead, but alas, I do not. Alice and F.P.'s Southside past on the other hand? SIGN ME UP.

It's so embarrassing, god. I really hope next season brings a new narrator, we are tired.

Eh, Archie is a pain in the ass bull in a china shop most of the time but I genuinely do feel like people choose to ignore that his home life isn't all perfectly peachy either? Maybe I just over-relate to the working class woes of his father, the pressures that puts on a family with one parent and Archie being someone

The only thing saving Cole Sprouse is his pretty hair. Otherwise he's a rubbish actor, and his narration is going to drive me to drink. I'm hoping next season we get Veronica or Betty or literally anyone else narrating.

Any episode that focuses on the parents is gonna be a favorite of mine, and this one delivered in spades.

God, this show is just so boring? I'm hard put to understand why it's almost impossible to care about a single character. It feels like there are no stakes. I can't understand why Iris isn't being put in a position / written to save herself. If I have to hear Barry bleat about having to save Iris one more time, I'll

As soon as Elena mercifully left, Bonnie and Caroline ascended to leading lady status which allowed them some development. In Bonnie's case, that development was 100% for the better, she was allowed humanity, flaws, mistakes and some really beautiful moments. The same cannot be said for Caroline, however. Who lost

In hindsight, it's truly depressing to realise just how much The Originals ruined the show for other characters, especially supporting characters like Bonnie, Jeremy and Tyler. Instead of the compelling founders family drama, all of them coming into their own as witches, hunters, werewolves in interesting ways, we got

I'm not sure why I feel this way, but I would actually be really into a Bonnie/Jeremy endgame whereas a couple of weeks ago I responded to the mere suggestion of it with outright horror. Anything to prevent the grossness that could have been Matt/Bonnie (apparently Julie Plec wanted that, and given her horrible

Bonnie getting her Buffy Summers moment, and saving the world/the town another time with the help of her ancestors (instead of other slayers) and getting to walk away to a life full of possibilities was beautiful. One of my favourite scenes on the show ever. I cried a lot during this finale, almost in spite of myself

I feel like you find an opportunity to make this comment or similar ones about Naomi/Dominique every other episode review (I've been reading through all the reviews after binge watching this show over the weekend which is why I'm noticing it). It's a little … odd.

He is something of a lovable dolt.

I'm so, so relieved that the show seems 100% aware what a dumbass Archie is (a welcome contrast to shows like Dawson's Creek who were mostly not aware how terribly dull the main dude was and didn't poke fun at him at all for it and thus made him more irritating).

Kai and Bonnie should have hooked up and killed everybody on this show. I'm glad he's still highkey obsessed with her but that they don't have time left to turn him into Klaus.

This is an even more horrifying prospect. Bonnie and Jeremy were awful together, the only thing that might surpass them is Bonnie and Matt.