
I'm gonna need more Reggie from this show - not only because I quite enjoy Reggie (at least in the comics) but because that actor is the hottest man on the show by a country mile and then some, and it's a crime there's not yet more of him. And I want to see what nonsensical movie nickname he'll give Jughead next.

God god, if they're trying to set up Bonnie and Matt as endgame I would rather choose death for both of them.

Felix and Sly remind me of Gaius Baltar. Except these two are legitimately dumber than a bag of rocks. I kind of love it. Maeve and Dolores are everything. Thandie Newton and Anthony Hopkins killed it to night - and Angela Sarafyan is fantastic, too.

This entire Guardian storyline is CW/the show's way of throwing James under the bus, and I'm not here for it. Why is it they are capable of writing most of the other characters with some shred of nuance, ensure that their actions spring from previously-felt character traits as part of an arc and James get stuck with

This is probably my favourite episode so far - I don't care much about the Dolores storyline at the moment, much as I enjoy Wood, so it was a welcome reprieve - although I would love for Maeve and Dolores to team up to destroy everything together.

I didn't miss Dolores at all.

Nate is frankly awful, one of the most irritating add-ons across all the DC shows thus far. Amaya fits right in, has great chemistry with everyone and already had more character development in two episodes than several characters (who are thankfully no longer with us) did all last season (the Hawk folks and Rory from

David Gyasi really is too good for this nonsense show and anything Julie Plec has ever produced. But I'm tentatively sticking around because him and Claudia Black (who plays Sabine Lommers).

Raven fucking Reyes is the hero we need and don't deserve. That's all I got.

I'm unclear why anyone would bother with Civil Street Brawl. This film seems so silly to make with about ten already outed avengers fighting it out in a mall parking lot.

You sound like you've spending a little too much time on IMDB forum threads. Also, Nicole feeling slighted because she's been excluded out of certain promotional materials like DVD specials or her character being treated like rubbish as the leading lady of the show is very different to whatever nonsensical rumours

Octavia about to kill everybody in this joint and I personally can't wait. Murphy is somehow my favourite character.

What in the world….

Good god, thank you for putting into words. I loved this movie, all its warts included. And maybe it's the kid in me but I cried at the end.

They can keep the Bellamy/Pike crap, not because I believe Bell is out of character, I just don't care. Kane and the escape plot were the saving grace of all that mess.

I guess it reaffirms how much Finn was truly a waste of space to everyone.

I guess at least with both of them, they're leaving to do bigger and better things so that's something, at least. I'm so excited for American Gods in particular, Ricky's gonna kill it.

Finn was Clarke's love interest and she literally kissed him, told him she loved him and stabbed him in the gut. Hence my bad joke. But yes, the show's modus operandi is death, big ones and little ones, each carried out with varying degrees of writerly skill. Interestingly, of the people you listed and didn't Lexa and

Honestly, put Clarke and Lexa in modern day clothes and it'd be shot for shot, Tara and Willow. My kid self was traumatised by that death already, I didn't need a repeat as an adult. I understand Lexa having to die but to die like that when I know JRoth probably worships at the altar of Whedon so he knows that staging

Not to be crass but can Clarke use her powers for good and have sex with Jasper next. Now there's a character that genuinely needs to die.