
I doubt it. The writers have been pretty adamant, or at least the one who seems to ship Wick/Raven a disturbing amount (Kim Shumway or something), that the Raven/Bellamy sex scene and potential relationship are better left forgotten. A shame as I think they have fun chemistry and I find the apparent inevitability of

I like Hakeem because he's such a lovable dolt. This episode when he was talking about chicken and everyone just looked at him like, "What is wrong with this child, oh my god," had me cracking up. He means well, and I think the fleshing out and his obvious love for his family have made him endearing.

Dead @ Slug and Slug CHRIST. And also Orifice Vulgatron.

Trai Byers is good, really good. Probably one of the best portrayals of a manic episode I've seen on TV. That elevator scene was heartbreaking. The music was great. Cookie and her cookies were hilarious. Lucifer remains the absolute worst. The rest felt like filler leading up to the next episode for me — I'm not as

I'm actually getting into Andre's story, maybe because I can kind of relate to his sense of isolation in a family full of musically talented people where his skills aren't appreciated or acknowledged, and of course all his issues from having Luscious as a neglectful and shitty father - it's a wonder he's been able to

That closing scene of her singing to herself in prison really got me. I'm so beyond impressed by Taraji's performance. She's bombastic and electric and dynamic and then she manages to portray this emotional vulnerability that cuts deep. She deserves awards. Wow.

I've been laughing at this for ten minutes. You're right, I am at least not scraping the bottom of the bin.

RIP, sir.

There's definitely a strange sexual tension there that I wish they'd explore. But I'm possibly just trashy that way.

Annalise and Wes are the most bizarre and uncomfortably compelling relationship on the show. I still don't know what to make of them.

Yep, agreed. I know the writers of the show don't seem so concerned with building romances alongside all the politics (except for Clarke and a while ago Octavia/Lincoln), which I think is sometimes to the show's detriment—it can be done and done well enough to give more powerful emotional stakes without having it take

It's only if you go into the Bellarke tag on Tumblr or see the nonsense many of those shippers tweet at the writers that you see a poor reaction. It's great though that in the main, people are rightfully celebrating this and I hope that more people realise that this show is worth watching too.

Clarke and Lexa were phenomenal as usual. Clarke has more smouldering and frankly electrifying chemistry with women in general so I've always been rooting for her and Raven/Anya/Lexa to happen. I'm glad the show didn't shy away from this or explain it away, let's just hope they don't go on some tragic

All I know is I'm still clutching my imaginary pearls at that Camilla/Cookie exchange.

I liked how they didn't spend overly long with Ichabod cursing the heavens and wailing into his ale. I'm sure he'll mourn some next season. I hope they get a third season if only to be able to tread this like the harsh and terrible learning curve it was and actually put out the show we hoped season one had laid the

So very hard to say goodbye to Katrina and Henry. Truly. My heart is aching, will I ever laugh again? Cruel world! Why—- oh f**k it, I tried. Thank god, reset, reset, reset. And I'm not even a little bit mad.

Ah, okay. Yeah, some writers in these shows (both The Originals and TVD) just have no ear for dialogue. Which is hard to write for anyone but yeesh.

Their bond died the day Caroline slept with the man who killed Tyler's mother in cold blood. This is not to shame Caroline and I hated how the show subtly shamed her for that with the way they wrote Tyler's response but it makes sense to me that they're not close anymore. I just wish they'd give Tyler a better point

It's hilarious just how much Delena sucks the life out of both characters. Neither of them is at their best when together, which wasn't true in the first couple of seasons. Elena bounces well against pretty much everyone but Damon these days; and Damon becomes an intolerable sack of alarming facial expressions

Yes at everything Davis and Tyson, I'd watch ten hours of them. Also lol, thank you to the show for acknowledging the sexual tension between Annalise and her doe-eyed boy toy, one step closer. They need to set Rebecca that little murderess up and pin both crimes on her. And then give me the epic Michaela/Wes romance I