
They could make the Matt-and-Tyler show the buddy cop drama this show has always needed, lol. Like 21 Jump Street or something. How much fun would it be with Tyler wolfing out (he needs to be werewolf again, I'm so bored of human Tyler, there's no sufficient conflict with his character otherwise) and trying to temper

Isn't Dan Sharman British? I think he's from Hackney so he's probably using his real accent for the first time.

I love the actors playing Rebekah and Finn so much — and I wasn't expecting to enjoy a replacement in Rebekah's case but they're both doing so well. And Yusuf Gatewood is honestly one of the most charismatic actors I've seen in a long time on any TV show. He needs to be in more things.

That Bonnie and Damon hug was super cute, lol, very exuberant. I hope they have pancakes and bourbon together every episode of the remainder of this show while Alaric seethes in the background. Aside: Can Kai and Bonnie make out already? Between his stubble and her overall hotness, they could really be something

I wish they would just say he has something psychological going on and be done with it. And with all the torture he endured, it wouldn't be a stretch. Instead, he's just one of the most ludicrous characters I've come across in a long while. I just always look at him and wonder, why are you?

I think Kai is more of a Spike tbh. His new feelings are the equivalent of Spike and his chip. They could have a lot of fun with Kai struggling against his baser urges with this inconvenient compassion thing if they wanted. Unlike Enzo, who is truly the worst.

Lol, me too.

I would watch her jamming to her NWA and Salt'n'Pepa tapes in the car for hours rather than watch about 80% of this episode.

Caroline definitely should have had more scenes with her mother. But (and I was surprised at this because they don't usually give Accola/Caroline this treatment) as it's often the case with Bonnie, stories that are crucial for her as a character, are somehow made about everyone else but her, most especially Damon

It makes me think the impulse to help Bonnie was more Kai than Luke, which is somewhat believable since he's been vaguely sweet (in a sociopath-y way) on her since they met in the 94 world. Luke, on the other hand, has in the past stopped his sister from helping the crew if he thought it would hurt her so he's not

The ship baiting is at self-parody point now. Delena were particularly hilarious the last few episodes. "Oh, my BFF's mum is dying, let's make out!" "Oh, my actual BFF nearly died, let's do the horizontal tango!" Their particular brand of self-absorption is pretty funny to watch these days.

I never thought I'd live to see the day. Bonnie Bennett saving her own damn self. Not trying to save Elena or Jeremy or any of the other Scoobies but herself. Has she ever done that? The old Bonnie would've framed it as a selfish act. Which was the crux of the big problem with Bonnie, sacrificing herself over and over

He gives me Gargamel from The Smurfs vibes. All his plans are so painfully stupid.

The fact that an episode about Bonnie managed to only have maximum four minutes of her onscreen is too funny. That said, they were four incredibly strong minutes, and Kat Graham is selling things so well. But I should have expected nothing less from this show given they've managed to do this for multiple seasons: make

When I say "earned", I mean I'm not sure I understand why other people follow her without dissent. Not that she herself is either incompetent or undeserving of the position she's growing into. I personally think those are two very different things. It's why I found characters like Raven and Bellamy deferring to Clarke

The first half of the season had all sorts of characters making these "what would Clarke do?" statements that were tiresome, given that the people saying them are intelligent and could've come up with solutions by themselves without a Clarke endorsement. I'm glad they've quit that.

Raven's definitely said "damn" or "dammit" a number of times. Maybe they should've gone the BSG route.

This show sometimes feels like it's spinning on its wheels for some reason. I'm not sure if it's the increased number of episodes but it does feel like they're having issues with pacing and weighting storylines. But anyway, good episode. I'm glad for the Clarke and Raven character work we got in this. I was worried

They'd need to make Routh's character interesting enough first, I'd think. What they should do is a live action Young Justice. But I can never have nice things. Or a noirish detective show about the Martian Manhunter starring Idris Elba or someone hotter than him (which is impossible, so Idris Elba).

I'm still sad and annoyed that this season wasn't just The Awesome Adventures of Bonnie & Damon. Just thinking of all the road trips they could have had in that other world. Lost opportunity.