
Yeah, I wasn't feeling this episode for some reason. Part of it may be that, as you pointed out, things already feel formulaic in some sense, there's no real sense of urgency and I'm not quite sure what they can do to change that but it's early days yet. Everything's also been so easy so far, he has a team and

The up-side is that Ichabod looked more distraught about Abbie drowned than he's ever looked about anything else. His wailed, "she's drowned!" was very affecting.

I'm just hoping they don't try to pull a monstrous demonoid baby plot with her.

Moloch ships Ichabod/Abbie quite aggressively and as big bad demon on the block, he wasn't happy with Henry's nefarious plan facilitating a meeting between his chemistry-less parents. The insolence of it all - only Moloch should be allowed to make plans because pretty much all of them end up with Ichabod and Abbie

I would just like to say thank you for the image of Nicole Beharie in a wet t-shirt. That may be the strongest thing I took from this episode.

I loved Caroline, wish we'd had more of her. They really are doing Katrina dirty week by week. She's flat and tiresome, and it's really the fault of the writing, I think. It was an okay episode overall. Just as long as this show isn't trying to come with some Jenny/Abbie/Hawley drama, I'm fine. Hawley and Jenny are

They really did make a play for her this time around and apart from 'Loud' and 'Bang Bang' there's nothing really memorable on the album, the latter made more memorable because of Nicki's contributions. She has an amazing voice but her personality and everything that made her interesting has been whittled away. It's a

Been following these reviews almost as an afterthought and because I love the first two seasons of the show. I think I feel compelled to rewatch it though. One of my favourite episodes of television hands down.

To look through garbage, rough people up and stalk pretty interns probably.

Me too, me too. I think once Rebecca lets go of the chip on her shoulder just a little, we'll see them bond in a more believable way over being two very different kinds of outsider — and because of his actions (however strange or nonsensical), Wes is the only person that Rebecca would even consider being vulnerable in

'R-rated After School Special "Connor Learns About Unforeseen Consequences"' - Lol, this might be the best description of Connor's storyline thus far.

Someone on Tumblr said as a joke that Wes starts f**king around with Rebecca for Annalise. And it struck me as deliciously warped and just the sort of high-strung soap opera stuff I live for. So I sort of hope the show goes in that direction.

I laughed so loud, oh my god. But now that I think of it, a Wes/Connor hook up is very high on my shopping list for this show. All the pretty. It would be something else *gazes into the distance*.

I'm rooting for them to hook up, I must say. I think Annalise could show Wes sides of himself he never even knew existed.

Michaela is gorgeous. I love those little bangs she's rocking and her style is almost always on point.

I was trying to be kind this week, lol!

They're not related, showrunner confirmed it as did Michaela's pointed joke at Asher that everyone assumes any black people that are remotely familiar with each other are related.

Yep, I guess the rest of them were shocked or also thought it was a gag (just kidding). I hope next week we find out more about Philly.

I feel really bad for laughing when Paxton jumped because I thought it was a gag. The actor is gorgeous - probably one of the most gorgeous men on TV but his actual acting was really not that good. I'm probably going to hell for it.

I only noticed the Naughty Boy song at the end - but I will pay more attention when I watch again. The Returned soundtrack was superb.