
Damn, between Connor's breakdown and Michaela losing her ring (and also her mind), these kids are going to jail so fast. Wes and Laurel should've taken care of business themselves.

Yes! I was talking about the Norma/Joe from Sunset Boulevard vibe those two have with someone as well. I'm into it.

Personally, I don't think Wes is all that naive about Rebecca. I think he sees her as someone in a really crap position because she ordinarily wouldn't have access to someone like Annalise to defend her because she's poor and what the university elite would deem 'trash'. His explanation of why he kept that phone a

I am so confused at people reading Wes as 'in love' with Rebecca. I don't think that's what the show's saying - YET, and the character isn't playing it that way in the present scenes. This episode was a bit weak. I did get that the overall theme was loyalty and trust, and it worked on some levels (Annalise questioning

Those names were so awful. Besides the fact that Albus and Severus kind of sucked on multiple levels, I always wondered if Ginny had any say at all in cursing her own children with such craptacular names.

No, I get that. I just don't find them compelling yet but I'll attempt to give it time to marinate. It's also partly that I wish we'd spend a few minutes of that time on Thea and her evolving story but I'm biased in that she's my favourite.

Agreed on all points. Season two flashbacks were really incredible for what they did for Oliver, Slade and to an extent Sara. They risk getting a little cumbersome but I'll try to be patient.

The weighting in these episodes is so strange. This is the second week where I've felt the show was heavy on the Oliver/Felicity and Felicity when it didn't need to be. At this point the flashbacks feel like a really bothersome narrative device. They've always been dodgy except for that brief period with Slade and his

Since when does Thea call Malcolm "dad"? I suppose this show will add to its already excessive number of flashbacks by show us how their relationship has developed up to this point in a few months.

That cracked me up. I wondered what fancy footwork Annalise had to pull to get him out of it because they were clearly holding him there with the intent to penalise. The only saving grace of any daft decisions he makes in the present is that he becomes a criminal mastermind in the future.

This is the kind of music she actually wanted to do (from one of her early demos): https://www.youtube.com/wat…. It's completely different from the stuff Dr Luke had her doing. She was hardcore into country and rock and he forced her in a dance pop direction with loads of autotune.

Harrison gonna kill him for sure once Joe discovers he's the big bad and can walk on water. So yeah, season 1 funeral awaits. Or if they want to go the Arrow route, they'll kill him in the season 2 premiere for 'shock value'.

They really need to give boring scientific exposition to someone else because the actress who plays Caitlin Snow makes me laugh every time she tries to deliver it.

Lol, true. I always forget that took five seasons - I really hope the show doesn't do that (they really should do a time jump - it's already dumb to have them in their first year of law school).

I think you're probably right tbh. It will be kind of amazing if Rebecca is playing the whole thing, either solo or with football jock dude or worse yet Sam. What if we only find out just how well and truly she's played Wes at the close of the season thus spurring Wes' sad realisation that sometimes sucky people just

Wait, have you watched the whole season or something? You seem to be talking about scenes we haven't seen in the actual show. Wes hasn't said anything about Rebecca's innocence as far as I remember from his speech. Whether she's innocent or not, something shady is going on with the football player and his foisting the

I like that we're seeing Wes be super dumb about basic how-not-to-get-caught-breaking-the-law stuff in the present. Using his own name on a fake lawyer's license? Really, sweetheart? Answering the damn phone? Because it makes Wes, cool operator of the flash forwards that much more striking. He's the one who goes back

Oh god, now I can't unsee, lol.

At the Ivy I went to for my undergrad there were definitely sets of people like Connor, Asher and even Michaela who were very much into the status thing. They came from rich families (the kind who can pay a 50k tuition without blinking), a lot of old New England backgrounds with all the nepotism that implies, and

That's what I'm thinking though. We know the police force hate her guts already and Detective Dude (DD) hasn't got much reason to like her either these days. Information like this in a case that appears to be quite newsworthy (for some reason, do people generally care about football players and law school murders in