
I mean, I know Cusack is too critical of his earlier films for whatever reason, but not having him back for a sequel seems to me like Bill Murray not being part of a new Ghostbusters (new female-led Ghostbusters notwithstanding). What would be the point in returning to that world without the main protagonist?

People say a lot of stupid shit. It's the Internet. About 80% of people commenting are misinformed idiots… I'm just there to hopefully spread a little truth on things. I mean, feel free to think her career ended because of shoplifting. I'm sure it won't really matter in the end anyway. You'll still be wrong, and

I was talking more about the excerpt, which I found after a bit of reading the actual article it was AV Club's fault for at least one of the errors, which was repeating a line of text over again.

Funny how you and the people who liked your comment clearly have no idea how Hollywood works. Big name actors don't normally audition for roles. Casting directors pick the actor they think is best suited to the role, because they're familiar with the actor's work and know what roles they play best… So it's logical to

Yes… That and the Ripley "Kill me!" scene, along with Brad Dourif, are reason enough.

What an ironic statement.

You've officially lost me as I don't believe that at all.

She didn't have many starring roles *before* 2001 either. Her career seemed pretty much inconsequential by the time Alien Resurrection came out, which was in 1997… You can assume and believe anything you want, just know that you're spreading misinformation… I'm not saying people didn't react harshly to her shoplifting

Meaning her shoplifting offense had no real impact on her career, although one might assume that it would… But the only person who would assume that is someone ignorant of Winona's career.

She took that role because it interested her… Nobody stunted Winona Ryder's career but Winona. Why are people convinced that Hollywood sabotaged her with only circumstantial evidence to back it up? She's said many times in interviews that she's very picky about roles and it usually has nothing to do with her trying to

Correlation. Not causation.

Close but no cigar. Winona Ryder has always been selective about the roles she plays. It has nothing to do with sexism or ageism. She just acts in what she likes. Simple as that. No need to bring social issues into this.

Wow, the editing on that article is atrocious.

So then why do all men and women agree that men and women behave differently to one another? Are we just all sexist then? Or are you just THAT deluded that men and women think and behave exactly the same? Seriously, have you ever even been on a date with a woman before? Or just plain interacted with one? If so, you'd

lol Wow. You are incredibly dumb. I'm not saying men and women don't deserve the same rights, you fucking idiot, I'm saying they're BIOLOGICALLY AND PSYCHOLOGICALLY DIFFERENT. Are you a moron by trade or is this just what you do in your spare time?

"It should also be pointed out that the traditionally male-dominated professions are higher-paying than traditionally female-dominated ones, which, when combined with the above demographic realities, results in a different kind of wage gap."

Except if I were to label myself a feminist in this day and age, that means I would have to accept things like the wage gap and inequality toward women as a widespread phenomenon in the job force… but in case you haven't heard, the wage gap is a myth (at least for the past decade), and women get as many jobs as men do

Hah, so I'm a terrible human being because I'm not a feminist? There's one way to get people to agree with you… Kinda reminds me of Bible thumpers. It's all about demonizing other people while pumping up yourself, isn't it? If you're not like me, you must be a terrible person. Yes, of course. Thank you for shining a

Thank you for that glimpse into the man's career. I really didn't know too much about his past or how that affects AHS, but it's good to know. At least I can prepare myself for anything that comes next.

This season was very much a "throw a bunch of shit at the wall and see what sticks" kind of deal. You could tell they had a lot of ideas they wanted to tackle in this season, but they simply lacked either the time or the talent to put it all together in a coherent manner.