
I can't really speak for the man's career as I'm really only familiar with American Horror Story. I'm a big fan of horror, and I was always waiting for someone to tackle this genre in a TV show, and for what it is, I really do love it. Like I said, it's not perfect, but the ideas present are worth watching even if it

Denis O'Hare's character made me sick in Freak Show. Such a scumbag. You fall in love with all these freaks, and then to see all this horrible stuff happen to them just makes you feel terrible. At least I did. I'd say he was even worse than Dandy, because the kid couldn't help being a sociopath. Even Twisty was

This season was probably the most tied-in out of all of them thus far. Last season they did a little bit of that for Elsa's story (Hans Gruper, who was the head doctor in Asylum), but this season's tie-ins felt a bit more tacked on, and they didn't matter all that much in regards to the central plot of the story or to

Twisty was only there to ensure the rise of Dandy. Twisty was also an incredibly tragic villain, and it was communicated very clearly to you the difference between him and Dandy. Whereas Twisty was deeply troubled and merely wanted to entertain in his sick, misguided way, Dandy wanted only to hurt people. The only

I guess that's up to personal taste, though I can give many reasons why I thought it was amazing regardless. It may also be a reaction to the criticisms I'd heard about the season prior to watching it. I decided to skip it after the underwhelming Coven, but then while watching Hotel I decided to just jump right into

They put as much thought into that bit of foreshadowing as I did in finishing this sent

I REALLY hate aliens… at least, aliens when used as the frame for a horror story. Especially an American one. OHHHHH. Nice.

Nonsense, she was in that one Woody Allen film in 2002 I think. She's clearly made a name for herself.

You would be correct in not being able to believe Gaga was better. She wasn't.

You never watched the first season? HAH! Then all of those Murder House connections and cameos probably meant nothing to you, and you probably wondered why those scenes mattered at all… All the seasons are connected now, so you should probably give it a watch. Plus, it's not bad.

Utterly confounding.

"Buried somewhere in American Horror Story: Hotel might be a brutal allegory about addiction and desire, or an epic horror story of a vampiric mother figure and the wan children she nurtures between her erotic outings, or a lawman driven to enforce a righteousness he himself cannot claim to possess. But it’s lost

Except I loved Rules of Attraction, while this failed to captivate me on any level deeper than any of its central characters… which is to say not very deep at all.

I thought season 4 was arguably the best season yet. At the very least the most moving and thematically engaging thus far. The 2nd is an old favorite, but upon watching it again… it's still great, BUT I wouldn't say it held up as well as the initial viewing. It just feels like a very solid season, but I think perhaps

Realistically speaking, they probably only had her available for that one episode and then she had to go on another shoot somewhere. I would think she would be a ghost as well. Still, great cameo. I really enjoyed her as she was probably the best part of Coven.

I'm sure you got a lot out of it. Watch The Office or something. Jeez.

It's funny you say that, because all of the seasons sort of have this arbitrary feeling of conclusion, like they could end it at any scene and you would feel just as empty either way. Here they decided to go with a Lady Gaga send-off, which just made me feel emptier inside… Overall a good episode considering the rest

That was a hypothetical condition that I told to highlight the problem with letting the world get to your emotions… And anyone can relate to this. Even whoever is at the other end of this chat.

Oohhhhh, how smart and clever of you to turn my own argument back onto me like that! So much embarrassment is felt by me! I shall have to sulk in the corner now. Boo hoo.

Hey look, I'm not her biographer, I don't know every detail of her life, but if she's letting her past control her present like that, I wouldn't say it's having a particularly good effect on her. Would you? Or do you just think that every bad thing that happens to a woman justifies whatever means she takes to "set