
I´m also European and all the stories I read about Donald, Scrooge and Co. were far more interesting than Mickey Mouse´s, but it has been a while since I read them and I don´t know the background very well.

Let´s be honest, doesn´t Mickey kinda suck? Tell me one thing that´s interesting about him!

Seriously? You´re really in the wrong comment section, saying that is like saying, "Ppeople made movies with space ships, then Star Wars came along. People still made movies with space ships". You´re disregarding a whole medium, because of the primary target audience and deny any discussion of the impact a work has in

I don´t understand popcorn, neither salty no sweet. Almost every other salty or sweet snack is superior, I don´t hate it, but I don´t get why people get out of their way to get it.

Leonidas should´ve hired some Jedis.

But it makes no sense for Stargate, in Trek and Wars, there was actually interesting stuff, that happened before, but what are they doing with Stargate, have them watch the fucking gate not working for 10 episodes, make a period drama without sci-fi elements? That´s like making a Star Trek prequel that takes place in

Don´t be so rude to eachother, you assholes!

Looks like some kind of snowball effect.

I think the very fact that there is so much distracting bullshit flying around him, saved him from being typecasted into the same niche Megan Fox was, I mean her only major appearances were in Bay movies, also I am positive that Shia La Beouf is crazy, I mean the paper bag thing came completely out of left field.

Isn´t it kinda funny that Shia La Beouf is the best thing coming from the Bayformer movies.

Years ago, rumors were floating around that, Zac Efron would play Light in a western adaptation and some people lost their shit over this, ironically he would still to this day be better suited for the role. I´m not fond of these changes, not because they change things, it´s an adaptation that´s necessary, but because

To be fair Ryuk has a pretty damn good design, it would be a shame not to use it.

The author wanted to have exactly 108 chapters, so that´s why the latter half dragged on.

Did the trailer just show L making a public announcement? I mean the whole point of the press conference in the beginning was, to point out how clever L is and to show Light beginning to develop his god complex. Also I really don´t like Light as social outcast.

I´m a guy who defends highground, because it actually makes sense if you think about it for five minutes, but the spinning around is just stupid and it looks stupid.

From what I heard, they will bie released 2018, 19, 20.

It could be good.

Well his last movie he was involved with was Sanctum(2011) as, executive producer, he was also working to set every piece into place for filming all three Avatar sequels at the same time. He also wrote and produced the Alita Battle Angel adaptation, that´s scheduled for 2018, he wants to shoot a movie about Hiroshima

He´s filming all those sequels at the same time doesn´t he? Holy fuck, this is going to be such a giant burning disaster and I can´t wait to see that happen.

I always distinctly remember a certain scene from the fght, I think when they´re in the room with the big table and they just start flailing around with their lightsabers, without hitting anything, this exact moment https://youtu.be/40HhaIJ0QV… holy shit, what director sees that and says: "Good job, we keep that in