
In the books it was clear that Lily defended Snape, when James was an ass on at least one occasion.

Really everything in these movies works against making them work as characters, the shitty side characters that hog screen time, the shitty main characters that steal screentime and the shitty character design. I mean people never talk about how much the Transformers design sucks, it is sure impressive from a

The one soldier had a wife and a newborn daughter, just place the McGuffin, near where they live, I know this is a dumb cliché but the original story is full of even dumber clichés. Also keeping your fellow soldiers alive and trying to save the world, can be personal enough, or maybe a Decepticon kills one of his men

I know that Spielberg accepted it after his "a boy and a car" pitch, but really this doesn´t reflect well on Spielberg as a producer, just because he himself could make this premise work, it is painfully clear that Bay is out of his depth when it comes to stories like these.

What I never really understood, about the first three Transformer movies, is why we´re following Shia Labeouf. I mean Bay likes military porn and a bunch of soldiers always play a big part in the movie, why didn´t he cut out the middle man and just make a movie where the soldiers are the pov characters. You don´t have

Now I´m imagining car ISIS, all consisting of Toyota pick up trucks. Now if we think this even farther, are Toyota hilux discriminated against in the Cars universe, similarly how many see every Muslim as a terrorist? Why am I even thinking about this, seriously fuck John Lasseter.

Yeah, you´re actually right, that was a no-brainer. I take it back, she should´ve gone with a report.

On a unrelated side note, I totally read fuck truck.

I hate to say that, but she, actually has a point.

So, I can still use it to tighten my urethra, if I´m a guy.

Former classmate of mine went to Wacken, I think she does it every year and in her group was a guy who was wearing a kilt all the time, only a kilt and so everyone became more familiar with his genitals than they ever wished, one day, he came to the group everyone tried to stop him from sitting on their chairs,

If they resurrect someone to do the job, you know it would be fucking Hoover.

That´s way tamer than I thought, I mean cow shit is used to fertilize fields, why should I freak out because of this.

Now, I truly understand what Nietzsche meant with looking into the abyss.

Unless you´re the guy with two penises, you should take the hitting him with someone else´s dick option, preferably with the guy with two dicks, dicks.

Can this be categorized as nunsploitation?

That´s why it would be too cruel.

It was amazing, but not as good as the other episodes.

Making her somehow Jack´s daughter, would just be too cruel.

I was so happy that the kids survived, for a moment I thought they may be dead.