Tom Shea

Besides the house directing styles (cable gray/somber vs network colorful/kicky) is there any difference between this and Scandal any more?

Jared said "swimsuit edition," and Denpak I think is stealing Keurig cups?

I still don't understand why people go out of their way to trash Giordano's It's still the best in my opinion, and yes, it's a deeper pan than Uno-style deep-dish, so that's why they call it stuffed and not deep-dish. That's a bad thing? The whole "caulk" thing is stupid as well. Again, thick cheese is a bad thing in

A little surprised none f them mentioned A Walk In the Clouds. It's practically a fairy tale, which is why it works: If you're making a romantic film, go absolutely whole hog into the unrealness of it. And the people in A Walk and the settings and the cinematography are uncommonly gorgeous and the story is

Sounds like you're not really getting to what I typed here. I wonder who you voted for…

True, but it's a moot point because Arbuckle didn't enter her with a Coke bottle as per legend. It was a champagne bottle and he rubbed it against her abdomen to wake her up She woke up, she screamed, he freaked, she passed out and later died of those previous internal injuries. Hearst took it from there.

The idea was good, and the way it probably exposed a lot of folks to an interesting corner of gay culture was important. But I always felt that the gays (Thom especially) had WAY too much contempt for their subjects, and their audience. But especially their subjects.

She was drunk, that's it. And she had some internal problems. She wasn't a slut and he wasn't a rapist. It was bad timing, that's all.

Four fucking times he was acquitted. The last time, the jury apologized to him.

You're a step behind, A.V. Club! Looks like Playboy is going back to nudes. Apparently Cooper Hefner is looking to restore the magazine back to Mensville from Ladland. I think a lot of the people responsible for the rebrand are already gone. So if true, this would be a continuation.

I think "Filthy Rich" in the early 80s had the same trajectory. A summer burnoff that went to number one in the ratings so they (CBS I think) had to give it a full season order, and it went nowhere. It was Linda Bloodworth's first time in the captain's chair as well.

I think Churchill just needed to pee; when he got up he was messing around with his fly.

If you're going to include screwballs like Bringing Up Baby and the Lady Eve but ignore The Palm Beach Story (esp in favor of Punch-Drunk Love), then I don't know what all.
Also, Broadcast News. Come on. And Jeffrey, for that matter.

He was out at the end of last week's episode. "Hello, Olivia." So obvs Mellie used her power in the Senate to effect a pardon for him and Tom, who will apparently do Mellie's bidding as the season wears on. Eesh, this show and these characters have no consistency from one week to the next.

She overplays a lot. No one has yet told her that the camera doesn't have a back row.

I generally agree, though I think there's a more intense examination of family disappointments and obligations in Tenenbaums than in most of his work. Which may be why I like it the best. Or maybe it's because Gene Hackman gets to say "You heard me, Coltrane."

Is not. It's a Limited taste. there's a difference.

Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen. Nope. Not. Never.

He also had himself and his daughter walking away from the theatre of the "Shelbee" play last week under the Majestic marquee where we could clearly see the Phantom logo.

No, that was "Rump Shaker" by Wrecx-N-Effect. Who doesn't know that?