Tom Shea

See? Who NEEDS to watch!

I've finally given up. Louis CK is hilarious, and I respect his desire to not give us anything like a standard sitcom. But Louie's passivity is absolutely ridiculous. To the point of completely frustrating. I turned it off halfway through, I'm sorry to say, right after he got his ass kicked.

Unless he got a promotion in Eps. V or VI, Chewbacca is First Mate on the Falcon. Not co-pilot.

Llllllllllllllllouie is pretty great.

I kind of wish there was a Creators' Cut that's like a half an hour of just that.

I thin, like a lot of us, I still can't believe I watched that. This show is unbelievable. Almost a miracle.

Plus, drunk and in vino empowerment.

Jack Soo.

Coy and Vance.

I was kind of waiting for that surprising punch line too, as she seemed rather wee. Could have happened.

I'll give ya your kids back. I'll give ya a BROKEN back if ya don't SHADDAP, ya wild kids, ya!!!

Because the first time he was almost caught with the brick in his hand by the big grizzly prospect. In trying to smuggle it out and not get caught all this shit went down.