Mike D

X-Files was one of those exhumed shows from last year that fan nostalgia could only take so far. Then viewers began to get angry. The same thing happened with Gilmore Girls, and if you recall the saved-from-death Nashville series too. I hope between last season and this some angry studio head pounded the conference

Yeh, I noticed the first episode that all of the X-files 'conspiracy theories' had somehow morphed into right wing conspiracy theories.

The premise was cute for perhaps 3 years. Then it devolved into a show about THE WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. The concept wound up being "Now that the mother of my children is dead I can fuck my best friend's ex wife!"

If HBO doesn't force her to run series years longer than they ought she'll probably do fine. Scandal ran far too many seasons. Then again, so did House of Cards on Netflix.

She's like the little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she's good she's very very good, when she's bad she's horrid.

I've been watching a lot of (should read *too much*) Korean TV during the summer. Their dramadies are usually packaged as 18 hour serialized movies. Tell your story, make sure everything's tied up tight at the end, then move on to the next project.

Rhimes seems to have a problem with keeping shows running year after year like a perpetual motion machine. Which isn't a knock against Rhimes but against broadcast TV. If you're a 'storyteller' you need your stories to have a beginning, middle and end. Scandal should have lasted three seasons. Grey's Anatomy should

How many episodes left? I think we should be coming to the end of the game of royal musical chairs, unless the snow zombies to the north are a total macguffin and nothing comes of that storyline. Which will royally piss people off.
As an aside, catapults (big-ass crossbows - one-armed stone throwers are named

I'm frankly surprised those dudebros marching in Charlottesville didn't march in speedos and capes. Its pretty obvious '300' is their ideal fantasy depiction of themselves.

Is that any reason to ban more than half the population from the chance of being employed there?

Women make up more than half the population. To deliberately decide that the writer's room must be 'all male' is blatant prejudice. I'm reminded of Tesla designing their company logo in the shape of an IUD. If they had only had a woman in the room maybe somebody might have noticed that and mentioned it.

Hah, you try to come up with an author name and all you can think of is Stephen King?

Rachel Bloom described how in her first LA writing job out of college she was the only woman on staff and was mercilessly insulted, berated and harassed. She has heard through the grapevine that 6 years later ex 'Allen Gregory' writers still get together to hate-watch her show and shit-talk her. Everyone know how big

Invariably white 'supremacists' are walking examples of just the opposite. Nothing says 'supremacy' quite like receding hairline, bad teeth, alcoholism and low IQ.

I recall when Chris Eigman first came on the show. The Digger character was meant to have a beard but apparently they didn't allow enough time for the actor to grow it out. So for the first episode or two he sported a weird 4-5 day's growth that wasn't quite 'unshaven' but wasn't quite a beard yet, either. I had

Someone needs to call a moratorium on the 'Towering Inferno' genre (referencing the 1974 film) where a group of unrelated people with unrelated problems are trapped together during a bizarre crisis. Yes, sometimes it can work, but often times it doesn't. The most successful Stephen King adaptations were NOT of the

Was there any GoT viewer who said "Oops, I found out X happened to Y next episode, No reason the watch the series anymore."?

Just today in the news there were images of young idiots wearing Trump campaign hats and marching with Nazi flags raised above them. Trump, Bannon, Lord don't just turn a blind eye to this, they're part of this. They're in it up to their eyeballs. They believe it. Trump, Bannon and Lord are Neonazis.

Reviews for this are all over the map and I think this one here is the most unkind of the bunch,

During the campaign when Trump was questioned about his supporters committing race hate crimes he replied that they were 'passionate'. Trump is not merely blind to sins of the Neonazi right, he is not merely uncaring. Trump didn't make Steve Bannon his chief of staff out of simple-minded stupidity. President Donald