Mike D

Its funny how all the way back in 2003 people were already commenting about how insufferable and entitled Loreolai was acting. It puts the 2016 critique of her behavior into better perspective.

We seem to be reaching the breaking point on 'subscription' television services. I'm starting to hear avid TV watchers grumble that they'd rather do without than add yet another surcharge to their already bloated cable/internet bill. Would you rather pay for Disney or Drama Fever? Syfy or CBS All Access? Hulu or

We're commenting on a racist Neonazi's dick picks. How exactly are we supposed to 'elevate' the conversation on that topic?

Anyone familiar with history knows that not many years later this same Sparta joins an alliance with this very same king Xerxes and wages war against the Athenian alliance. Democracy is snuffed out in Athens and Greece becomes a collection of vassal states. Eventually Sparta collapses from within, their in-bred

You are DEFINITELY protesting too much . Which means you see it but will not recognize it. Because you're frightened what you will see,
The First Rambo film 'First Blood' if you cannot see the OVERT social/political subtext of it, the commentary on the Vietnam war, may I suggest you get a neurological workup. There

I find its people who are most blind to 'subtext' in media who are most susceptible to it.

I recall commenting at the time it came out how the film played as a paranoid right winger's homoerotic wet dream and received howls of protest in reply. "it's JUST A MOVIE! NO SUBTEXT!" Yeh, riiiiight.
It came out smack in the middle of the Iraq war and we've got a tale about how all Europe is threatened by viscous

Misguided WHAT, exactly? What fcking ideology are you talking about? Are you claiming the Crane sons weren't laughable pretentious? That was the whole point of the show! Or are you claiming the inherited wealth rich don't see themselves as apart from the common rabble? There's PLENTY of evidence for that, that's not

God, I despise that fucking right wing demi-insult. Its the right who consider themselves 'extra-special' of all the races of the world, living mostly in trailer parks aside.

An English actor recently said they have to lay on more 'posh' accents for American audiences. Americans can understand 'upper-crust' English but struggle with regional dialects. Everyone in this clip seemed to be doing an impression of Prince Charles and lady Di.

Well, d'uh. Have you never noticed the 'store brand' of many grocery store products have the same contents as the 'name brand', even the same shape bottle and back-package legalese? 'Trader Joes' and 'Stop and Shop' do not run their own vitamin pill manufacturing plants.

The show was about nouveau riche snobs with all their pretensions to superior genes and elitism when really they were just one generation removed from being common working class slobs. The chair symbolized where they came from. I read a report recently that said the rich literally see themselves as *genetically

I believe this series is out of Canada. Not Vancouver but Halifax on the other side of the country. I don't think Halifax is much of a television Mecca, besides spitting out endless iterations of 'Anne of Green Gables".

Kind'a makes you nostalgic for the moose-through-the-windshield.

Oh God, I despise that stupid stupid epithet 'snowflake'. What right wing flake invented that shit demi-insult? Its right winger who consider themselves the 'special' ones out of all creation.

I look forward to the line "Seamen entering via the rear hatch Captain!"

I've never been able to watch this film all the way through. I'd start at the beginning then a third of the way through I'd throw up my hands at the absurdity and rage quit. Some time after that I'd pick up the film a third of the way through then rage-quit at the 2/3rds mark. Then I'd start it at the 2/3rds mark and

There was a nuclear submarine drama several years ago. Hijacked sub but the hijackers were really the good guys. Secret island hideout. Lots of military uniforms, macho yelling and brandished weapons if I recall. Ah! Show name "Last Resort", 2012. The only thing the show had going for it was a criminally underused

I stumbled on this old post of mine from over a year ago and was shocked to find I had used the word 'verbose' in a sentence.

This seems soooo formulaic.