Mike D

Fuck off, fascist.

Honestly, I forgot this guy existed. Even other right wingers don't mention him anymore. And BTW, whatever happened to Grover Norquist? The last news I heard of him he was attending 'Burning Man'.

He misheard Trump's campaign slogan. No, the slogan isn't "Make America Eight Again"… as in inches. You know its a good joke when you have to explain it.

This is not a spoiler because it comes from a place of *total ignorance* on the topic, but simply based on the structure of similar stories (see the Nibelungenlied) I'll guess EVERYONE dies heroically in the big climactic (climatic?) battle fighting shoulder-to-shoulder against the snow vampire things, or almost

I'll give the author points for that one.
I'm reminded on the latest Sherlock series and its gay-baiting with the constant 'we're not a couple' Holmes/Watson joke, plus making Moriarity a flamboyant swishy homosexual because, you know, he's the MOST evil.

The Pat character was never described as being 'trans' or 'gay' or 'bi' or even 'asexual'. The joke was actually about the other person's compulsive need to place a 'label' on Pat. Also, 'trans' wasn't even on the social justice radar 30 years ago. Also, SNL from the beginning has been moronic comedy.

To fans of French cinema it seems like Ms. Huppert has been around forever. She had already been doing films for 9 years when she was in the notorious "Heaven's Gate" back in in 1980. She's the same age as Mary Steenburgen and Tova Feldshuh.

Trump made the film 'political', as you call it, when he tried out for the role of president in the film. Maybe he shouldn't have tried out for the role.

The current president was in line to play the president in this B movie just before deciding to run for the real thing. Is that something which must not be spoken of?

Fantasies like this used to be lauded as sly allegories for (insert societal problem here). But lately they seem to be sui generis, related to nothing in the real world and enlightening nothing in the real world. Someone ought to invent a new movie genre category: 'nihilist escapism'.

I recall watching the X-Files return last year(ish) and thinking 'They're doing this because *someone* had mortgage payments or medical bills to make.' The whole undertaking felt cynical and slipshod.

To think fifteen years ago I used to watch this stuff religiously.

I watched a short-run web series comedy out of India recently named "Bang Baaja Baaraat" that involved a 'girls gone wild'-style bachelorette party. For all the filthy fun the story managed to circle back to being touching and humane. Stories like this cannot simply be cruel and moronic (damn you SNL!). There has to

I'm not going to be convinced that literacy is somehow a vice to be shunned.

Nice try attempting to use the word 'liberal' as an epithet. What's next, calling someone 'compassionate' and 'humane' as an insult? Fox News goes to sites like Brietfart and hires right wing posters to act as fake Fox News defenders whenever a negative story about the company pops up.

In Washingtonese the phrases "I don't recall" and "I do not believe" are as good as saying outright "I did it." Didn't Fox News hang Anthony Weiner in effigy and set him on fire for less than this?

From my perspective the two greatest sins of 'moms gone wild' stories is (1) The characters aren't believable. They aren't 'moms', they're actresses playing characters described in the script bio as moms. And (2) The humor isn't earned. The writers mistakenly think the setup is intrinsically funny so they slack off on

His testicles were fair and balanced.

I'm old enough to recall the 'Ed Sullivan show'. A staple of the program was aging has-been Catskill comics who'd gamely go on stage to tell stale jokes that the audience would politely laugh at out of obligation, or a sense of nostalgia. I don't think I'd call Will & Grace 'timeless comedy'. Its more comedy from a

I had to read the headline 3 times over before I finally got what you meant. The Mist wins the sweepstakes for *worst* Stephen King adaptation. Oh, okay, I got it now.