Mike D

This doesn't sounds like a film to see in theaters, this sounds more like a film to see at 1am when you're done watching what you wanted to watch and Netflix suggests something else to watch afterward.

There appears to be a career gap many women actors fall into where they can no longer play the ingenue but they're still too youthful to play the judge or president or corporate executive. So they're often stuck playing the hot-mom-in-jeopardy. Tea Leone looked a bit too young to be playing secretary of state on her

Props for referencing the TV movie 'Duel' which genuinely freaked a very much younger me out back in 1971. Best work Dennis Weaver's done, this side of old Twilight Zone episodes before his southern accent emerged.

Over the past 20 years we've sort of gotten used to the right wing's partisan 'tactical' lie, used as a weapon in political battle. But Trump's lies are different.They're the lies of someone pathologically desperate to inflate his perceived self-worth to the world by any means necessary. Its a kind of obsessive

I never mention such things usually but dang, she sure is pretty.

In the age of Youtube nothing dies. The Season 1 credits are still there, the season 2 credits are still there. Rachel Bloom playing a singing uterus in a women's health PSA for Jack Dolgen's mom can also be found on Youtube.

The older Brosh McKenna often references a 'funny Fatal Attraction', The younger Bloom has compared season 3 to the 2002 film 'Swimfan'. Because Bloom was just 3 months old, I think, when Fatal Attraction came out.

When the series was first announced Lovell was on a cast panel and said Heather lived with her parents. She also gave her last name. Ironically, I don't think she had started filming yet so she was just reciting her character bio. Pete Gardner was also on that panel and had not filmed a single scene yet either (they

That film does have the one big disadvantage of being really really racist. British actors in brownface totally slandering Indian religious practices. Every once in awhile Spielberg would do a film that's pretty much a frenetic coke-fuelled fever dream. 1941 was the first of several such film.

They should'a done a cross-over with Grey's Anatomy where all single episode guest stars go to die.

I wanted to see a replay of Mel Gibson's wife in 'Signs'.

People loved first season then became genuinely angry at the series second season. Subscription cable viewers are becoming fatigued with series that only have one good season in them, a problem going back to 'True Blood'.

Anyone interested in cinema should watch "Paris, Texas" about a million times over. Shepard's words, Harry Dean Stanton's voice.

Writers warn against the 'hat-on-a-hat' problem some scriptwriters have. That's when too many unrelated story lines are stacked on top of the other. You don't need a story line about the rape of a juvenile when there's the main story about mystery killer fog. Hey guy's, there's mystery killer fog out there! I think

Look at most of the 'prestige' TV shows out there (or 'prestige' wannabes) and you'll see a lot of faces you used to only see in the movies. Its as though actors are fleeing film. Priyanka Chopra was one of the biggest names in Indian cinema before she started doing American TV shows.

The show struck me as one of those 1990s avant garde French films as interpreted by polite Calvinist Canadians.

If sheer enjoyment is the only criteria then that would be brown rice - yes, brown rice - caramelized onions and chicken livers. With a bit of cayenne pepper. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I have no 'charming anecdote' connected with the meal to tell.

I recall when Martin Scorsesi publically announced that from now on all of his films would be in 3-D. Then non of the films that followed were in 3-D.

I had heard about Craig and 'Casino Royale' for years, read the gushing praise. I finally got to see it years late and was frankly surprised by how mediocre the film was! Yes, its Daniel Craig whose work I love, but its Daniel Craig in a nonsensical, ultimately silly movie.

I think its eyeballs. More people are likely to read about a bad 'Stephen King' series than a good (unknown name) series.