Mike D

I see what you did there.

There are certain actors who seem to have stayed approximately the same age decade-after-decade. A good feature for character actor work.

The go-to country these days for neo-noir spy thrillers is Korea. Very stylized, high-gloss and often very bloody. This film reads like a western take on a Korean film noir. And I meant that as a compliment.

'Dancing with the stars' is manipulating their elderly rural conservative demographic the same way LA-produced 'Hee Haw' did in the 1970s. It should be renamed 'Dancing with the disgraced Republicans'

By coincidence France has recently got access to the CW TV show 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend', another show about "romantic obsession founded upon nothing whatsoever, single-mindedly and self-destructively pursued". It sounds as though the film should include musical interludes.

The problem with doing 'the right stuff' today is we can see in retrospect that it was all for nothing, a pointless publicity stunt. There are people circling the earth right this minute in that white elephant 'international space station' and virtually nobody gives a shit.

If you're talking social media the three biggest draws are sunsets, slow-motion dogs and fitness girls with big butts. Its an algorithm.

That explains Tim Allen's career.

McCain branded himself a 'maverick' back when House speaker Newt Gingrich was busy turning the Republican party into the Borg hive mind. That was a long time ago That 'maverick' label has tarnished a bit. He may (sometimes) still talk a good fight but 99% of his votes are pure Republican bloc votes regardless of the

The actress who recently won the coveted 'Squirrel Girl" superhero role had founded a grass roots organization a year and a half ago to assist refugees internationally. Even won a humanitarian award for it. I expect *most* corporations adhere to that old Google saying for their actors - "Don't be evil".

A showrunner recently said the average time they spend watching an actor's audition video is *five seconds*. If in that five seconds you can get the response "Oh, I recognize her!" the battle's half-won. Being a working actor is about networking. Having friends who have friends who know people, and people who have

Just look up the old Yahoo series 'Other Space' from 2015 and you'll see where 'Orville' really came from. As an added bonus you'll also get to see 'Squirrel Girl' Vayntrub who one review site called the show's MVP.

I haven't seen the show. It sounds like a serious relationship drama staring actors who have otherwise been known for their comic roles. I've lost count of the number of times that I've seen films billed as 'comedies' that weren't. Bill Murray in 'Broken Flowers' for instance. '"Lost in Translation' wasn't all that

People stopped fretting over mixed race relationships on screen ever since James Earl Jones and Estelle Parsons played a married couple in "The UFO Incident" way back in 1975. Here's the full movie. The production values are pretty thin but the acting and writing is excellent.

Reading down the comments I get the impression that the show should have been done in French with subtitles. People have a much higher tolerance for ambiguously angst-ridden French characters displaying a Gallic-flavored sexual morality.

Something disturbing how the report equates aggression and dangerousness with 'equality'. As though they think toxic masculinity should be a synonym for feminism.
The 'Golden Age' Marvel comics come largely from the '60s (some earlier, some later). The year I started reading comics was the same year that Betty Friedan

It's gotta be mentioned that Arya pulling off the 'disguise' could have been a Leslie Nielson bit in an old 'Naked Gun' movie. Or maybe Peter Griffin on the 'Family Guy' cartoon.

That picture of the couple with all the red balloons made me think of Rachel Bloom singing the 'period sex' song. Make sure you put down a dark towel first.

I recall 6 months ago mentioning that AV Club movies were getting a lot of C and D grades but their TV reviews were pretty consistently in the A and B range. So its a bit of a shock to see this series getting so thoroughly savaged. Especially a cable ensemble show with name actors. Often with shows of that sort being

If the right wing knows how to do one thing they know how to generate absurd counter-factual names to organizations and pieces of legislation. Anything out of the right with the words 'Family', 'Freedom', 'Liberty' and 'Research' in it watch your backs. An old joke of mine is when the right finally passes its