Mike D

Buckley in his later years threw off his intellectual pretensions and embraced the aging racist American Chamber of Commerce conservative toad he always was. I recall in one interview he referred to then-San Francisco mayor Willie Brown as 'Willie Horton' then seemed genuinely surprised when the interviewer recoiled

This show hasn't so much 'been on for a long time' as it 'went away and then came back again'. I've commented on other revived series that for a lot of people involved its about getting that sweet-sweet regular paycheck again. Life after Rosanne or Gilmore Girls or X-Files or Full House was hard for some of the

1941 was saved by having no pretentions to greatness. Simply being bad doesn't get a film on a 'worst of' list. It has to be an ambitious failure.

Spielberg suffers from the affliction of *guessing wrong* about which parts of his successful films made them so successful. Then he'd double-down on exactly the WRONG stuff in the next film and ignore the more subtle bits that made the previous film so good. When he stops trying to make a 'hit' and instead focuses on

GoT, for all the high production values and titties was basically violence porn. The showrunners clearly want to keep wacking off to images of soul-numbing sadistic cruelty and morally destitute characters.


Poor Kelly, her mentor who shaped her and groomed her, and did God knows what else to her, has died. She's rather like the mistress of the late Charles Foster Kane. Nobody's going to cast you in any operas anymore, lady.

Fox News at its most popular pulls in roughly 1/8th the viewers that NPR Morning Edition radio consistently pulls in listeners. Ratings fights among cable TV news networks is like a contest to crown the world's tallest dwarf. My sincere apologies to any dwarves out there for being compared to Fox News.

Slate Magazine ran an investigative report last year that documented evidence of a hidden server in Trump Tower linked on just one IP address in Russia. To say this is peculiar in an understatement. Investigators went to that Russian address and knocked on the door to ask about it. The Trump Tower server then

A lot of actors have vivid memories of Rupert Everett in 2009 saying that coming out harmed his career, claiming that if he had come out at age 26 it would have entirely doomed him. It may not be 'idealistic', its may not be fair, but welcome to the real world. Hetero actors don't exactly discuss their own sex lives

There's every chance in the world that I saw this when it aired but all memory of it is completely gone from my consciousness. 2003 was a long time ago!
One danger is last year's Gilmore Girls return may have fatally tainted the previous seasons retroactively, the same way the finale of LOST made rewatching the series

The film was actually a remake of an old wartime movie "A Guy Named Joe" about the ghost of a bomber pilot. That old film was every bit as sentimental as the remake. The remake lost something in not being a wartime drama. Dreyfuss wasn't playing Cary Grant but Spencer Tracy. And really. Spielberg's worst film was the

Since you're talking about 1860s England your use of the phrase 'White Christian Patriarchy' seem needlessly redundant because… its 1860s England. What other patriarchies could it possibly be?

I recall a line from Mara Wilson's recent memoir, something about how Americans tend to conflate a person having a British accent with having a personality. I wonder how well these stories would translate to America with American accents and American locations. I feel I've been burned by too many British shows that

I tried to look up the writing staff for this and the only writer credits I could find was for King himself and Thorpe. No other writers for ten episodes? The show's sound dept boasts a crew of 14, the visual effect dept has more than 50 people, but there's only two writers? I think we've found the problem. Too few

I read a news report just recently that Quincy Jones says the Jackson estate still owes him 30 million dollars. Jackson died an astounding half a *billion* dollars in debt. Sure, you own the Beatles song catalog but who gives a sht about the Beatles anymore?

No, the claim of 'fabrication' is a lie.

Trump's lawyer, his doctor, his children, his staff, they all look like refugees from a bad 1980s Mafia movie.

With as special guest appearance by an animated Father Geoghan and a boy's choir.

Harvey rather reminds me of Gwyneth Paltrow. In both cases their career '3rd act' attempts to earn a living and stay in the public eye have managed to rub a surprising number of people the wrong way.