Mike D

Carlson knows what his job is. If tomorrow Trump happens to poop his pants in public Carlson will go on the air and claim it was the Dear Leader's most glorious pants pooping.

Gay Xena is like gay Sherlock Holmes. Since they're fictional characters they only are what was written down about them. Neither have a 'private life' beyond the page to speculate about. Because they're *fictional*. Of course a writer could make Xena or Sherlock, or Scooby Doo gay simply by typing a single sentence

These days we're experiencing 'nostalgia for the future'. Nobody these days actually believes our future is going to at all resemble the gleaming utopias imagined in the 1950-60-even the 70s. Imagining such an ideal future is a function of nostalgia for our own childhoods.

Did you hear about the Amish woman who was a polygamist? She had two Mennonite. (with thanks to Prairie Home Companion joke episode).

Awh, that's no fair. You beat me to the (obvious) Steve Bannon joke.

We reached the law of diminishing returns awhile ago on the superhero thing. The decline was evident when they began pitting superhero good guy randomly against superhero good guy. The TV series 'Powerless' showed us just how banal, absurdist and self-referential it all has become.

What I don't like is they're stepping on the toes of "The Defenders", an excellent 1961-65 TV courtroom series starring E.G. Marshall. Wasn't there another cable series recently called 'Gypsy' that was definitely NOT about stripper Gypsy Rose Lee? Next Netflix series: "MASH", a comedy about rural potato farmers.

Killer Klown Paul LePage has kept me from wanting to visit Maine for years.

A show set in a rural Maine shopping mall that conveniently includes a labyrinth of underground tunnels? Okay, I live in Boston. H.P. Lovecraft placed an labyrinth of secret tunnels under the North End in 'Pickman's Model'. You can believe that for someplace like Boston, or NYC or Washington or even Baltimore. But

Have you ever tried to argue rationally with someone who is in a right wing cult? Have you ever tried to argue rationally with someone who is manifesting signs of schizophrenia? The two are very similar experiences.

I wonder if this 'contractually obligated' or 'just doing it for the money'?

I recall when Patti LuPone made a guest appearance last year a lot of posters only knew her from the TV series 'Life Goes On' in the late 80s-early 90s. Tova Feldshuh was recognized from a part on The Walking Dead. So maybe it should be mentioned Groban got a Tony nomination for best leading actor in a musical this

I feel sorry for Hannigan, the same way I feel sorry for a lot of formerly-popular TV actors. She was the popular one in two highly acclaimed long running shows then her career hit a wall. She's hit 'that age' dreaded by working actresses, too old to play the ingenue, too young to play Secretary of State. And I can't

Who died of GoT this week? The mother from HIMYM.

GoT was mostly cruelty porn. this shit show is going to be cruelty-to-minorities porn. Let's show pretty black women being raped by her white owner! Let's show this black man being tortured by the white slave owner. Couch it all in a gloss of 'aren't these white people awful and the black folk noble' but really

Don't knock therapy. Its like knocking podiatry if someone's experiencing foot problems.

In Rebecca Bunch's case that would be **unbutton's her blouse buttons***. Except season 3 is back to 8pm again, dammit, which mean they have to fight harder to keep the dirty jokes in.

Photos of season 3 seem to involve a lot of black hair, black clothing and black fingernail polish. For years the writers have used the .'Breaking Bad' analogy for the show - turning Mr Chips into Scarface. Two months waiting til we see what they meant.

Cameron is in his 60s and the Avatar franchise schedule keeps getting accordioned-out farther and farther into the distant future. Signing up for Avatar isn't like signing up to do a movie next spring. Its selling yourself into indentured servitude for the next two decades.

Fuck this, this is nothing but RNC propaganda. Lets give them fantasy Republicans since nobody can stomach the POS radical racists that hold power in the GOP these days.