Mike D

Socialist? One of your patron saints Michelle Bachmann became a Swiss citizen complete with Swiss passport. Apparently her legendary aversion to 'socialism' was less pronounced than she let on.

This site here is an opinion and analysis club, basically. Opinions about food, movies, TV, games, and horse-shit fake news outlets that actually make their viewers LESS informed from watching.

I have some sympathy for Alba and Paltrow. Two of a very long line of women actors who Hollywood collectively decided had reached their expiration date and stopped giving roles to. The parts they used to get all go to 26 year old Jennifer Lawerence now. So now they hawk flim-flam items to make ends meet.

They should have the China produce their programming for them, just like they do with everything else. There are some really excellent Asian TV dramas out there untouched by American hands. I'm most partial to Korean television, myself.

I think there was a passage of time between that big newscast announcement and soldiers handing out brain packets in the street. Days? Montages usually are meant to convey time passing. So a lot of detail stuff was skipped over.

When the return of Twin Peaks was first announced I was extremely skeptical. Memories of the botched X-Files and Gilmore Girls returns were still fresh in my mind. My two biggest worries were that the network wouldn't allow Lynch freedom to go where he wanted, or alternately that Lynch just wouldn't have it in him

Someone ought to tell the Vulture website that they've been gaslighted. I recall one celebrity say he makes a point to tell one lie every interview. Channing Tatum once told Terry Gross that his mother was a travelling circus acrobat. It didn't sound very convincing.

Ah, that's a point I had never thought of! It would provide a subtext to the action. If these nice young women can hold the servant girl in involuntary bondage without giving it a second thought why not a Union soldier as well? In that case the abused/lusted after soldier becomes a metaphor the institution of slavery

In a recent interview Coppola didn't know what the 'Bechdel test' was, had never heard the phrase before, didn't know what it was referencing. That's the differencing between 'talking' and 'doing'. The chattering classes have their yardsticks and litmus tests but they don't produce anything, themselves.

Best case scenario… chewing gum. worst case scenario… Its a morgue where one of the employees eats brains so its anybody's guess.

More than anything I blame the set decorator for that show's downfall. The workplace wasn't a 'workplace', if was an over-designed studio set of a workplace. And since we were trapped there for 4/5ths of the episode it tended to wear on you.

Perhaps they would have preferred the play 'Coriolanus' where an oligarch egoist betrays his nation for personal spite.

Perhaps the problem wasn't that the show is 'different' but that its too 'similar'. 3rd season of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is theoretically going to be their 'fatal attraction' themed season. How many revenge-themed women-centric shows can they do at once?

Do you recall some cable channel a few years ago did a cheesy 'biblical' drama series and cast an Obama lookalike as Satan himself? I'd say I've lost all respect for the right but truth-be-told, I never did have any respect for them.

Two words for you. Thorazine. Okay, that was just one word.

88 years is a good run. We all should be so lucky to get a good 88 years under our belts before the inevitable. Congratulations to him for that. These days so many celebrities and notables are barely making out of their 50s. It was heartbreaking to hear of Glenne Headly. She should have had another 20 years at least.

In retrospect the finale turned the whole series morbid. The title should have been "How I met that woman who died of a horrible disease and left her children orphans."

There's some irony that bad movies are being described by a narrator entirely lacking in inflection.

Anyone who watched the first season of 'Scandal' knows its these 'interventions' that public relations handlers suggest their clients stage to diffuse the situation. (First season) Olivia Pope would have suggested this immediately. Maher is a familiar type to me, the former hipster who thinks his level of 'cool' gives

Bloom also wrote a very interesting article for the New York Times about the first time she took a poop in a toilet.