Mike D

Well, she does have those big 'British nanny size boobs', as Heather attested in a season 1 episode.

I've seen/heard/read soooo many people who love the show, watch it religiously, but have NEVER seen an episode on the CW. A couple said they avoided the second season broadcast entirely, being content to wait to binge watch it on Netflix. Way to get the series cancelled, guys!

Sounds like they had one full length episode and one 30 minute episode so they smushed them together. That's why this season is short so many episodes.

It ironic now that popular culture has all but abandoned reading (among males, anyway) that this show would come out. American men of a certain age see saving books for posterity on par with saving old eight track tapes. Whenever I ask a guy what his favorite book is he most often picks children's lit from his

I came for the lesbian sex but they pulled the old switcheroo on me.

Just what I was going to post. I don't think Jessica Lang, Christine Baranski or Wynona Ryder are regretting turning to TV.

The 70s angle could work if they lean on the "mature person reminiscing about why they're so fucked up today" idea, rather like they did in "The Squid And The Whale". The play 'The Glass Menagerie' was basically one big flashback of Tom's messed up family life.

Oh, I see you (and the author) are indeed referring to that Aaron Sorkin TV show from 10 years ago where they turned SNL into 'Schindler's List' (to quote Tina Fey).

I've heard Rachel Bloom (wearing her writer's hat) talk about a writer wanting to avoid the 'hat-on-a-hat' concept problem. If you're telling a story about comedy club people you don't want to also make it about the 70s. Unless you have a VERY GOOD REASON to make it a period piece. Because otherwise its just a

If that reputation was an impediment to working in Hollywood we'd have a LOT more female driven show than we have… unless it also applied to women too then there'd be nobody left in Hollywood to hire at all.

The sad thing about these 'inventors perform for attention' shows is just how much the poor saps in front of the camera stink of desperation. I recall a story about Trump setting up a venue where needy people came before him and competed to see who was most pathetic with the promise Trump would reward the 'winner'. I

My my my, 1981. I'm feeling very old right now. 1981 is as far from today as 1945 was from 1981.

I have a question. Why does Kelly do her interviews dressed as a Las Vegas hooker? Is that really appropriate?

WTF are you yammering about, Himmler?

This just in, the show's lead just gave birth! Congratulations to new parents Briga Heelan and Rene Gube!

Okay, its the *presumed* backstory because she's awfully young for having a teenage child and a retired husband.

But what about the show backstory that he started dating his wife when he was 29 and she was a 16 year old high school sophomore?

Other new show news. The CW has a new series coming about a young woman living with cancer… until she's abruptly cured and has no clue how to live as a normal person. And its a comedy. I think the premise is "What if the girl from 'The Fault In Our Stars' survived and had to get a job." Or, to use another analogy

This was the only Bob's Burgers episode in 7 seasons that I turned off halfway through and never returned to it.

I used to work with a hipster douchebag who thought his level of 'cool' gave him permission to use racial epithets 'ironically'. He probably considered himself a kind of edgy liberal-libertarian hybrid, himself, like Maher. He wasn't. He was just a hipster douchebag… like Maher.