Mike D

I should have known better than to quote an unfamiliar critic. For all I know that critic lives to be 'snarky'.

Let's not forget that instant classic, the unedited version of 'The Brown Bunny'.

Many show go entire seasons without involving the wives and girlfriends of secondary characters. Heck, I've see the absence some major characters excused away by "He's just in the other room".

It was the BBC website that called How To Talk To Girls At Parties "One of the worst films ever made", refers to it was the biggest flop at Cannes, and possibly of all time. To quote: "it’s like a shoddy school play put on by a drama teacher who thinks he’s cool for liking the Sex Pistols."

I can't quite wrap my head around customers who go in to a movie saying "This looks awful, the reviews said it was awful, the last installment was awful. I'll spend ten bucks to go see it!" Maybe the world is more full of optimists than I had supposed.

I cannot imagine what the pitch meeting for this was like. I suppose they were excited when they obtained the rights to the story then soon realized they were in over their heads. Messing was also in that TV musical 'Smash', another show in love with that era but without much of a clue about what that era was like.

Wow, you must have some brains on you to resent people having thoughts in their head! Avd you used an offensive slur for a woman's vagina as an insult! Let me guess. You're a Republican, right?

My literal first memory is walking down the street, seeing a movie poster in front of the theater for a film I had never heard of, and deciding the go see a matinee. So my first memory of that film is the movie poster. Frankly I have more nostalgia for 'Annie Hall', 'The Duelists', '3 Women' and perhaps another half

When a film lacks overt content the unspoken subtext, the underlying worldview becomes more important. You may recall film studies professors describing those cheesy 1950s monster movies as capturing the zeitgeist of Cold War anxiety. I haven't seen this film (and never will) but I wonder about the subtext.

A plot point from season 2 (late season 1?) was Blain's customer's were complaining that his brain delivery service was giving them depressing "runaway kid from the ghetto" visions so he had to upscale his victims.

The show's low-ish ratings are the network's own damned fault. The way they scheduled it, it was as though they were actively trying to kill it off.

There was a map recently showing variations in life expectancy across the nation. Ailes outlived the average life expectancy of several regions in Red states by a good ten years.

Why does everyone on Fox News look like they were hired out of central casting to play either Mafia capos or gangster molls for a bad made-for-TV movie?

In Hollywood one of the seven stages of grief includes shopping around a dead show to other networks.

Islam? We're the one who claim there's pie in the sky when you die, bye-and-bye. Oh, and we worship he same God and read the same Old Testament as them. so yeh, death cult.

I know someone who is active in local government. At town hall meetings there'd be a general groan come up when the same old Tea Party bumpkins took the floor to rage against gubmint. These people earned their own acronym: 'Citizens Against Virtually Everything', or 'CAVE' people. For the longest time right wing

In Emmy 'for you consideration' stage events you might sometimes see a clip from a show play on the big screen followed by dancers coming out to reenact the songs & dances before the audience. I'm not entirely sure that's a proper venue to create a full TV special, though.

On TV there's the people of color with all the obstacles and those without. Not much mention of all the black judges, presidents, space station commanders, police captains, heads of secret agencies, bosses and army generals on TV. I think that's because most of the 'obstacle' problem is class-related, not race

It must be miserable being a right winger these days. Too dumb to get the subtext of anything at all. Sorta like a dog watching TV or a cat chasing a laser pointer light,

I recall many many years ago being in a life drawing class and hearing the artist ahead of me whisper to his neighbor about the buxom nude model "Wouldn't you like to see HER in a tight sweater!"