Mike D

One of the unexpected joys of getting older is witnessing the weird unexpected stuff that turns into 'nostalgia' before your eyes. Austin Powers is nostalgia about nostalgia about nostalgia.

Genuinely? I'd like to see a 'The Office' style faux documentary about the making of the show centered around all those nameless extras just making enough money to pay their bills. 'Sexy servant girl #2" calling her mom excitedly because she's being featured in a scene giving a sponge bath and blow job to Peter

There is so much wrong with the 'science' of social anthropology. My cat was able to think for itself but my ancestors couldn't? Suuuuuure.

Cue the song "A Sexy French Depression" from the first season of the series 'Crazy Ex Girlfriend', which referenced French film's penchant for *fetishizing* depression in beautiful women. The genre was mocked in France all the way back in 1978 with the comedy "preparez vos moscoirs" ("Get Out Your Handkerchiefs") - a

There's this thing that started several years ago on TV and in the movies - 'Ironical faux bigotry'. It was hip showrunners saying "We're not insulting gays, Latinas, old people and women, we're making fun of the tropes that insult them!" Gregory House was a loveable misogynist narcissist. Family Guy was 'ironically'

You must've noticed for a LOT of actors the worst thing to happen to them is celebrity tabloid fame. They would probably have been happy people living a life of getting regular roles, going to auditions, a couple commercial gigs along the way. Instead they're 'royalty' who can't go into the world without wearing a

The CW pulled the plug on their involvement with Hulu last year, yanked all their programs. Then Hulu pulled the plug on its non-subscription service. That doesn't sound like a company that wants to be my 'primary source for TV'.

Some of these streaming services feel a bit like 'parasite' companies. They suck the profits from shows while providing no substantive advantage. I'm reminded of the CW last year ending their association with Hulu. They've got their own website for streaming, they've got Netflix. So why were they letting Hulu make

I recall Matthew Broderick said that Marlon Brando used an earwig in 'the Freshman'. His long pauses during scenes weren't so much method acting as waiting for someone to tell him his lines. There are stories of Al Pacino using one on stage. Both Brando and Pacino were kind'a getting on in years.

The Susan Sarandon rehabilitation tour has hit a speed bump with her recent catty tweets about Deborah Messing for calling her out for actively supporting the defeat of the Democratic party in the election.

The Fox News studio sounds like it was a veritable Playboy mansion for rich, fat, aging perverts… which is sort'a what the Playboy mansion itself was, I suppose

They're giving us 2 episodes of Great News in a row again, just like they did with Trial and Error. Why is NBC making half hour comedies only to burn through them like they're kindling?

I get the impression Designated Survivor was supposed to have been ABC's latest 'prestige' drama. The notion that it never rose much above middle-brow was a disappointment to them.

Well, I'm no more liable to know anything about the goings-on at crackpot fringe right websites than on pro-goat fucking websites. Both sites are visited by the same people.

Did anyone actually know who this woman was before the big stink about her getting fired? I didn't even know glen Beck had employees. I thought he was operating out of his garage.

He's got the 'aging frat boy' look down, you've got to say that about him.

Does Batman exist in the CW TV universe? I don't pay close attention but I cannot recall anyone mentioning him on the shows. Except in "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" where Paula made up a story that Rebecca had seen her parents murdered… in an alley… in Gotham… 'Just like Batman'.

Cue sigh of relief. Congratulations to all parties.

The 'Great News' pilot was actually pretty… not good, despite the effusive praise. But the 2nd episode was better than the pilot, which means I'll be checking the third episode to see if it was better than the second.

That means when you call your dog you can holler "Ger-troooooOOOOOOOOOde" like a wolf call.