Mike D

This is as good a spot as any to mention a series not being covered. On Fox's "Making History" on Sunday old "Other Space" alums Eugene Cordero and Neil Casey briefly reunite for a comedy bit. Okay, so you never saw "Other Space" and you don't watch "Making History" and you don't know either of those actors. But if

I recall something similar happened on the 2003 Bertolucci film "The Dreamers". The actors got together and talked the director out of shooting an 'explicit scene' (it sounded like a BJ) because the actors claimed it was out of character for the young woman character. They did to an old-fashioned penetrative sex scene

Someone pointed out that 'Jane The Virgin' did a big 3 year time jump in the middle of the season. So time jumps aren't unheard-of. They could have framed this time jump here in the context of 'We want to get to the birth', which would have made narrative sense. Instead it seemed more like they were thinking 'We want

Actually, in this age of 'peak TV' 1.5 million viewers isn't so very bad. A lot of good shows do worse. I doubt, though, that I'd want to be in the same room with anyone who would admit to watching something like that.

NBC is the network of Matt Lauer and Megyn Kelly and Celebrity Apprentice. The Law & Order audience, I would guess, is comprised mostly of elderly rural Republican voters. I recall there was a rumor floating about of a single line in the end credits of CBS's 'Big Bang Theory' that could be construed as political. The

In case you're not familiar with the play, Shakespeare's Coriolanus is the most reactionary screed you can imagine. Its main character drips with contempt for the unwashed masses. I (vaguely) recall in response to being banished from Rome by the commoners Coriolanus turns on them with the line "I banish YOU!" then

Over at the Heritage Foundation they just canned their top guy Demint too. I think one unexpected consequence of the Trump election is 'conservatives' no longer see their interests being in alignment with the 'right wing'. Conservativism is not supposed to be seen as a synonym for Neonaziism and we're seeing a

There's the old saying "The opposite of love is not hate, the opposite is indifference." When the point comes that you can't even be bothered to shit talk a show you used to love that's a sign that it really is over.

This being Last Man On Earth, who do you think is going to die for the finale?

It had the unfortunate effect of tainting the career on one of the world's finest actors. Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lector = sir Alec Guinness as Obie Canobie. Is that REALLY the role that you want to remember him for? REALLY?

Huh, I'd never seen "s/he" before. I'm partial to using 'they' as a non-gender singular but unfortunately I have no official power to alter the evolution of the English language.

I'm trying to recall what that number was that Johnny Depp spends per-month on wine. Twenty thousand dollars?

WTF, man?

Julie Hagerty, who had only a minor role as a juror in season 1.

I actually thought of it as 'Dances with Wolves in space', myself. The film was WILDLY popular at the time, now its been relegated to 'guilty pleasure' status.

Satire doesn't necessarily have to be comedy. The VERY obvious Nazi uniforms, casting Doogie Howser as the most fascist fascist of them all complete with Gestapo leather trenchcoat, the 'torture the bugs' scenes, could be interpreted as bitterly ironic. But you're right, it went entirely over the heads of most

I'm a bit surprised, I'd figure North Carolina would be one of those states where he'd be immune from 'backlash'. I've said it before, they should change the names of reality TV shows to 'how to ruin your life'. Want a divorce? Want nationwide humiliation? Want prison time? Join a reality TV show!

I'm not entirely getting the 'most TV per capita' headline. Do you mean lots of TV for so few viewers?

Starship Troopers was done in by its own audience. It could be read as a satiric cautionary tale of creeping fascism but the majority of the audience saw it completely unironically. The film THEY watched was pretty terrible. I recall in the run-up to one of the middle-east wars (there have been so many) the Pentagon

Whatever happened to the rumors that a competing Ghostbusters reboot was hot on the heels of the Feig one? Frankly the promised re-reboot sounded worse than the one we got.