
Exactly, this season's ratings are decent, but considering the year-to-year drops and now this news, it's pretty safe to say that the show won't survive another season.

How on Earth will the love triangle, the show's go-to for character drama, even exist now?

Time for the CW to announce the final season. It's already a ghost of what it was in its peak, it will take a massive hit (creative and ratings wise) when it returns in the fall.

Holy shit, that managed to beat The Dark Knight Rises in the "we know this will make us millions of dollars so who the fuck cares what it's called" title.

It's my favorite performance of this decade, TV or movie. Fuck, that woman can express anything with those eyes.

Orphan Black was never a procedural.

Hey, don't forget the In Treatment movies!

Doesn't count. That show was an association between HBO and BBC, I think. Looking is all HBO.

I've been liking the show quite a bit so far, but I really wish this wasn't a procedural. Veronica Mars was a procedural, but it was different than every procedural that TV ever had before or would have later: it was a modern teen noir set on high school. It really was awesome. iZombie, much as it has its own

Then I guess it's a great sign about gender and sexual equality that Glee's ratings have been a disaster for at least two seasons. It means most gay kids no longer need this show to see some representation that they enjoy.

That's true. I knew quite a lot of people that hated it too.

Oh, there are so many examples of that.

I actually always liked it. Because I binge-watched those first 13 episodes, it didn't feel like it dragged and I never took it seriously, so I liked it. And I think Jessalyn Gilsig is quite funny in the role.

I second that. It was back when the show didn't take itself seriously at all. It was preposterous and ridiculous, but it was funny. Afterwards, the show suffered some kind of bipolar disorder where it took itself seriously only when it didn't.

It would be great ratings, but it would also require some outside-the-box thinking. The Emmys just like going with comedians.

Emmys ain't good enough for dat.

Poor FOX. Still trying to make Brooklyn Nine-Nine a thing in people's radar when in reality it'll only be that thing people watch after The Simpsons while waiting for Family Guy.

Where did you see me not saying it wasn't important? I said it was erratic, which means some parts are bad and some parts are good.

I won't deffend the comedic side of the show as I too find it erratic, but the "difficult subject matter" part is far from window dressing. That's pretty much the entire show nowadays. How much did you watch? The first episodes aren't what the show turned out to be in the end.

I think I only watched up until episode 4. The premiere had me cheering cause I thought the show actually found a nice way to continue its story and faced the consequences left by the brilliant finale from series 1, but the next three episodes were brutal, really. It's really astounding how the writers turned Beth