
Possibly. So it could be like dog years for humans - every zombie year is 10 years of a human being.

"So when children become zombies, do they keep growing up? Or are they like vampires where they’re stuck at that age forever? I am behind on my zombie development mythology."

Yeah, I've noticed that too and it's a problem. It's too much TV these days because they still haven't reevaluated their own internal thermometers.

They have? I had NO idea.

What's this you speak of? A superhero show critics actually don't like? Well, I never

Sedgwick coming back would be monumentous.

Yup, precisely my point of view about the show.

Wrote the exact same thing a few minutes ago. Totally agree.

Oh please, liking reality crap has become something so glamourized by pop culture these days that it doesn't count. Everybody likes one or two. Suite Life and What I Like About You are much more fitting picks for this.

Oh man, I hope to God this is good, but Hollywood has been massively misfiring its musicals this decade. Between Chu directing this and Lin-Manuel Miranda doing a Mary Poppins sequel directed by fucking Rob Marshall, I'm scared shitless of whoever they'll hire for the eventual Hamilton film adaptation.

Over on the comedy department, FX's also given carte blanche to Louis C.K. and they're now greenlighting any project his name is associated with. So of their current 12 TV shows, 3 are from Murphy, 2 from Hawley and 3 from CK (and both The Americans and The Strain already got end dates).

On Fuller House? DJ, Steve and some random dude. She chooses herself in the end of the first season (she literally says "I choose me", by the way, effectively rendering that outcome all the worse). Didn't watch season 2 to see if she changed her mind afterwards.

They've broken up both Rafael and Petra at the same time to compose yet again a love triangle at the core of the show. Pretty sure Jane and Rafael will be together by the last third of next season (unless they decide to go with that "I choose me" path and have Jane end up alone, which's even worse - even Fuller House

I don't have high hopes for CBS All Access working right away, no, paticularly since they're launching only one show and waiting at least three months before their next one, which's sorta insane.

Hulu also releases episodes weekly.

He was a frat boy who is politically correct to such an extreme that he feels the need to sanctify any minority. So, no, he wasn't very real, but that was part of the joke. It's like Cartman now being "good". It's supposed to be funny because it's the exact opposite of what we expect that character to be.

It's weird. I've been having fun so far and I'm still intrigued by all the plots. At the same time, Parker has put himself into a corner with the skankhunt arc. From the very first episode, where the mystery was set up, it's just delaying the moment where everybody finds out that Gerald is skankhunt. If I think about

I liked this episode, but at this point, this season feels like a let down from the wonderful last season.

Features? Are you high or something? MacLaren isn't involved in any feature whatsoever.

I'm not familiar with her work.