Yeah, I don't mind her being more of a foil to Sam, or a bit of a frenemy, but I'd like to see her play off of a wider variety of characters, not just Troy and her white friends.
Yeah, I don't mind her being more of a foil to Sam, or a bit of a frenemy, but I'd like to see her play off of a wider variety of characters, not just Troy and her white friends.
Kelly was always my favourite. <3
I don't think that Coco is a secondary character necessarily, but I feel as though the only other main she's seen interacting with is Troy, and for most of the series she's sort of relegating herself to be supportive of him until later in the other Coco-centric episode when she breaks free, and ultimately in the…
Some aspects of the show, especially with regards to the dialogue, come off as pretty contrived sometimes, but I think it helps to view the show less as an accurate portrayal of the ivy league experience, and more of a satire.
Seriously, it's not like those are going to somehow subvert the 100% rating on RT or prevent the show from being renewed.
I think this is my favourite episode of these first ten, with the next episode in at a close second. As a woman whose hair has been a source of much anxiety over the first three decades of my life, I'm really drawn to stories about how hair is such a loaded and politicized thing for women, especially WOC. This episode…
Oh, they were out in full force when he held his rally last weekend.
It's almost as if he shouldn't be the president.
Interesting how in the wake of this AHCA shitstorm, his fans seem to be strangely quiet on Twitter. Usually they're out there trolling all over the place and singing his praises, only because everything he does pisses liberals off.
Every Where's Waldo? book is basically pages and pages of illustrations of massive group orgies.
How convenient for Trump that the AHCA will result in fewer women reporting sexual assaults since it'll cost them financially.
I'm all for a spinoff, but Zoey is by far the least interesting of the main cast to watch. She plays off of others well, but as far as leading her own sitcom, I'm not so sure. I'd rather see a show chronicling either Dre's childhood, or Bow's. A sitcom about an interracial hippie family would certainly be something…
Yeah, I could see how he could get on people's nerves, but I think the guy's alright. :)
I love the hypocrisy of the right.
Some of the dialogue on the show in general does come off as a bit contrived, but I find that Al's mannerisms in particular come off as pretty forced. That could be due to the actor, or the fact that none of the other characters speak or behave like him, but maybe his behaviour IS meant to come off as deliberate.
Dear Butt People
That he does lots of squats.
Upon rewatching the show, I do wonder whether the character of Al may be used to address colourism down the line. Because he's so fair-skinned compared to the rest of the cast, it seems almost intentional to have cast an actor with such a light complexion. At first I assumed he was biracial, but the fact that only…
There could be entire university courses dedicated solely to this show.
Yeah, it's hard to tell one way or the other what statement the show was trying to make. Because it feels weird when the show is insightful about issues of race within the black community, yet seems totally ignorant of issues in the LGBT+ community, or racism in the Asian community. But I think it's supposed to be…