
Oh, the impression I had was that he was granted custody because he was the better parent or whatever. That's so heartbreaking and gross.
DaddyOFive's Twitter account is even more gross. Almost 35 000 followers, and all he's doing is acting like he's a victim of "false accusations" that are "destroying the family".

I haven't watched the video from the biological mom and her lawyer, so I don't know her story, but has she not had any contact with her children over the years? She wasn't aware that any of this was going on? I know that very often, kids who are experiencing abuse hide it for years and years, but I would think that

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out the approach to the Asian community within the show. I don't know whether it's meant to be satirical, or whether it's just a matter of sheer ignorance. I feel it's the former though, and that the dumpling thing was meant to show just how charismatic Troy is, and how well he can move

The whole "predatory bisexual woman" thing is an eyeball-inducing trope, but I didn't necessarily see the show trying to argue that bisexual males don't exist in ep. 2. Lionel's reluctance to label himself came from a place of insecurity about accepting that he was gay, not because he's into both men and women. He's

You know, the body of your average 19/20-year-old.

It's something that's come to annoy me over the past couple of years. I'm straight, but for a brief moment in my early 20s, I identified as "queer". Not because I was figuring my sexuality out (though I went through a quick moment of questioning after coming upon The L Word one night), but because yeah, I admit, I

Yeah, although "no labels" is also used by straight people as code for "I'm down to do anything" or "I'm desperate for attention". I completely respect sexual fluidity, but when people who are, for all intents and purposes, straight, say that they "aren't into labels", I can't help but side eye them. I find it really

I'm sorry, I don't speak your language.

Chesterfield, toque, double double and all that, eh!

Yes I do, and your point is?

Oh, I live for dumbass trolls who try to infiltrate spaces where intelligent, progressive people gather. I think it's hilarious how they try to prove they're right.

Look up what the word "homophobic" means, darling.

I'm Canadian.

Trolling people who want to make lives better for marginalized people is hate, you sentient ball sack.

You don't know what BLM is then, numbskull.

Your president doesn't know why the Civil War started.

Probably leaves a crap ton of crumbs in the bed.

Hey y'all! What'd I miss?

The same people who voted for Trump.

Why can't anybody have a good time anymooooore?!