
Because Clinton was a "flawed candidate".

I know that the special editions are reviled by fans, but I can't hate on them too much, as they were the first versions I got to experience. I was born in '87, and while I remember the non-special edition trilogy being released on VHS in the early '90s, we never bought that set, and I had no interest in Star Wars.

MITHC was a thing before Trump's campaign and election normalized Neo-Nazism. I doubt that the show would see the light of day if it were pitched today.

I find that only happens when people take it upon themselves to act like condescending d-bags to someone for being unaware of something.

Jesus, bite my head off why don't you. I was unaware of one Canadian historical event, and so therefore I'm automatically completely ignorant of absolutely everything.

I'm 30, actually. Though thanks for the condescending tone. I do actually have a fair amount of knowledge of Canadian history, thanks to my own curiosity, and from years of listening to my father's long-winded rambles. This happens to be one that slipped under my radar, never having come up during any conversations I

Interesting. I'm Canadian, and I've never heard of this incident.

Though I doubt any of those kids would say that Montana Max seems nice.

Something still seems off about this. I mentioned in the other Pickle post that kids are naturally self-centred, and generally only like adults insofar as they have common ground with them. So that level of idolatry of Trump, particularly from a kid as old as 9, is really odd, especially considering there was nothing

About 15 years ago, the cartoon Braceface featured a main gay character later in the show's run. There was even an episode in which the show's titular character tried to set him up with the guy redesigning her mother's home office. While he was never referred to in-series as "gay", and while I believe that was the

Trump makes Ford look like Snow White.

"Lefties are weak, overly sensitive crybaby snowflakes, but you must arm yourselves, because they pose a threat to the American way of life!"

Greater Toronto Area.

Most of his supporters have guns. All he's gotta do is continue with the fear-mongering rallies and continue to stoke their paranoia and bigotry. They'll do the assassinating for him.

Sorry, but not comparable. Trump's rhetoric is DANGEROUS. He's a hateful, narcissistic, sybaritic, fear-mongering sexual predator. He is not someone children should be looking up to. To tell your children that he's a "nice person" is seriously fucked up. I live in Canada, and I've never been a particularly political

To those who say that you should be very careful about discussing politics with very young children, and that you need to let them develop their own political opinions - that rule does not apply to this past election and to this administration. When one of the candidates/eventual president is a fascist sexual

That's good taste for a 9-year-old. Antz deals with some pretty sophisticated themes.

Even if this IS a letter from an actual child (95% positive it's b.s.), and the content wasn't dictated, this level of idolatry from a 9 year old is unhealthy. Kids are by nature self-centred, and only see the world as it relates to them. They feel a connection to an adult if they feel there's some common ground

My dad fully believes that Putin is going to hire someone to assassinate Trump, and frame Islamic terrorists for it in order to cause total havoc in the U.S. and thrust it into a civil war, so that he faces less obstruction in his attempt to rebuild the USSR.

This just seems so lazy and uninspired. There've been countless, critically acclaimed depictions of slavery in America in TV and film. Believe it or not, there are more clever, nuanced ways to explore how slavery continues to affect the west without the premise of your show being, "So what if there was STILL slavery?"