
Catching up on the Christmas specials I haven't yet gotten to. Woke up and watched A Charlie Brown Christmas (which I always leave for the 25th), currently watching A Muppet Family Christmas, still gotta watch the two Golden Girls Christmas episodes, and I'll hopefully get to Arthur Christmas tonight.

A New Hope.

The Force is strong in her family.

2016 has been one kick in the head after another, but I think we're due for a miracle or two. 'Tis the season and all. :)

2016, don't even THINK about it!

She should abort those dreadful bangs.

What I'm most looking forward to about this is that toy companies will very likely bring out a bunch of Blade Runner junk to cash in on nostalgia for the original, next year. I desperately want a Pris action figure!

WHY? Not that All in the Family certainly isn't still relevant, especially with what's going on politically in the U.S., but why not just develop an original series inspired by the classic show, instead? God, I'm half expecting an upcoming headline in AV Club's newswire to read: "Gone with the Wind, Casablanca remakes

Honestly, I thought she was already dead.

Haha, my cousin said that she wasn't necessarily being picked on. The way he told the story made it seem as though she was egging the guy on, being all like, "What? You gonna hit a GIRL? HUH?"

Looking forward to watching this after I've watched all of my holiday junk. Some of the dialogue in the trailer seemed pretty on-the-nose w/r/t issues of race, but I'm glad that it doesn't seem to turn the film into an after school special. Then again, maybe the director figured he needed to have Obama's character

No harm done. :)

I didn't say that I was wishing death upon his son, though?

Not judging, and not saying that his life wasn't full.

Aw man…2016, you took the good Thicke.

A Cosmic Christmas and The Small One are personal favourites of mine.

And when that isn't a deal breaker, you can insist all you want that you're "one of the good ones", but as far as I'm concerned, you're guilty by association.

Not everyone who voted for Trump is a racist, but everyone who is a racist voted for Trump.

I'm afraid you misunderstood my response. By "not ignoring them", I didn't mean "listening to them". I have no sympathy for leptons like them, but I think that not taking their hate and bigotry seriously is what got Trump to where he currently is. Americans underestimated just how much hate there still is in the

I refuse to accept Phasma as a member of the First Order? That's weird, I don't recall saying that.