
I simply don't care.

Spider Up 2: The Streets

Imbue my responses with whatever meaning you wish. You obviously need the validation.

Oh yes, I have a "fetish" for being insulted. Are you spending your Sunday morning reading a thesaurus?

My withdrawal? I stand by every single point I made.

They thought that electing Trump would mean that every woman, LGBT person, religious minority, and POC would magically disappear.

Seriously dude, get rid of the monocle and get a life.

At the rate these wackos are losing their shit over everything, they're going to all die of brain aneurysms before Trump is in office.

But race issues aren't being brought up in Star Wars. That's the thing. Casting a diverse group of actors doesn't mean that the film is "commenting" on racism. It's simply reflecting contemporary western society. It's the people behind this so-called "movement" that are convinced that there's some sort of overt

You don't base your self-worth on being "right"? Then why pray tell do you feel the need to write long-winded dissertations which dissect and nitpick the semantics of some stranger's responses to a quickie post on the A.V. Club? There's this thing called figurative speech, of which my use of the word "guilty" was an

Hahaha, my "questionable" state of mind? And I suppose that you're the very picture of mental togetherness, yes? That half of your response is dedicated to highlighting a minor typo I made makes me think that you're projecting a bit.

I think that he was speaking metaphorically there, dude. I don't believe that issues of race have ever been addressed in the SW universe.

A Life Day miracle!

I appreciate the condescending tone, thank you.

Ohh, we've got our fair share of bigoted douchecanoes up here in the Great White North as well! There have been loads of butthurt old white guys asking why a woman "no one knows or cares about" is going to be on our new $10 bill. The shameless ignorance of some people is just astounding. "She didn't do anything for

While in theory that's a good mindset to have, keep in mind that it was that very mindset - that we should ignore these nut jobs because there aren't enough of them to truly affect society - that allowed Trump to win the election.

The fact that some people believe the possibility that Trump is referred to by name in the film is both hilarious and frightening.

What's everyone so darn uppity about? Trump will have loads of free time to executive produce his show. It's not like being president is a stressful full-time job or anything.

There's nothing "political" to be pissed off about, though. What they're clearly pissed off about is the casting. A woman in the lead, and a band of racially diverse protagonists. Diversity in the media isn't about "politics". Putting a black person or an Asian person in a Hollywood movie is not "political". Diverse

Psh, they'd never do that! They're not racists. They're just white nationalists.