
When you support a candidate who mocks and actively promotes violence against people who oppose him, and runs on a platform built on hate, intolerance, bigotry, and discrimination against legally protected and marginalized communities, I'm not so sure you're in any position to bitch and whine about needing your own

To quote the great Patton Oswalt, these people "are going to miss everything cool and die angry".

They'll pull some twisted shit and attempt to justify it by saying that the film is "racist against white people" because it features an all black cast.

Trumpkins were calling for a boycott of Oreos because Nabisco is moving some production of the cookies to Mexico.

Better not tell them about the Black Panther movie…

Considering that these people are stupid enough to buy that characters in "Rogue One" refer to Donald Trump by name, I think it's too much to expect them to understand how metaphor and symbolism work.

Don't forget to add Oreos, Starbucks, and Target to that list.

Just wait until they see the new Spider-Man trailer.

This science fiction movie about aliens and robots set in a galaxy far far away is un-American!

How long until the Trumpkins start boycotting this?

I still think that that outfit looks like it was bought from Party City, but this looks like lots of fun.

For those keeping score at home, the people who complain that liberals are offended by every minor thing, in the past month, have been offended by: a play, cookies, Target, coffee, cereal, and Star Wars.

Yeah, monkeys are douchey little fuckers. I hate those guys.

Oh god, I couldn't imagine losing my best friend like that. I'm so sorry, and I wish you all the best. <3

I'm on board either way!

D'aww, wittle baby Gwoot!

As well as cinematic gem "Space Jam".

Post-weight loss Wayne Knight looks terrific.

Of course!

I think that mine would be "Skins". I loved it because it felt so different than anything I'd seen on North American TV. It was a "teen" show, but it felt magical to me. By the time it ended though, I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. The brutal handling of character arcs and relationships, and the pointless