
I went to school with Simon of MSR. His younger brother was my classmate. Their mom's a client of my dad's, and she offered to have my older sister, who once had (I guess still has?) aspirations of becoming "the next Celine Dion", meet up with Simon to try to get a foot in the door. She refused, claiming, "He's

Matt Mays! :)

Where all my Death from Above 1979 fans at?

Drake is actually talented and charismatic. Bieber, for all of his general horribleness and stupidity, is a decent performer. There's no defending Nickelback, though

Haha, I don't think that there's any place with generally wonderful taste in music, though. Every country's got its own Nickelback.

But there are also a lot of you guys, and not many of us Canucks.

I'd never heard of Mahogany Rush until now. I'll be adding them to my iTunes.

By the time I "discovered" Sloan via my best friend when we were in high school, their relevance had long been gone. They're still my favourite band, though.

Fred Penner, or gtfo.

I have a feeling that in a few years, "Steven Universe" is going to be mentioned a lot in conversations on this very topic. That show is something else.

I always thought that the original Elliot looked stupid, personally. He looks like a child's drawing. And that's fine, but something so blatantly goofy and cartoonish, rendered in CGI for the reboot would have been so out of place considering the tone the new film was going for. New Elliot has a mountain

I don't know why, but "A Goofy Movie" popped into my head.

I'm convinced that Baz must have read and been inspired by the graphic novel "Prince of Cats" in conceiving this show. I so desperately want someone to turn that book into a film.

"The Small One" has always been one of my favourite Christmas specials, but this past Christmas it became way more meaningful to me when I watched it shortly after my 14-year-old cat was put down. What made his passing even tougher was the fact that during his last year of life, he ended up abruptly leaving home and

Actually, that's true. Violet and Patty were quite the gruesome twosome.

Mine, too! Words to live by.

Yeah, Peanuts somehow manages to be cynical without ever venturing into the realm of mean-spiritedness, and like you said, retain its family-friendly innocence. Not an easy thing to do.

As lame as this sounds, "Cool Runnings" means more to me as I get older. When I was a kid, I loved it because it's a goofy family film. And now, as I'm pushing 30, I love it not ironically, or just because it was something I enjoyed as a kid, but because the message resonates so much more to me as an adult. We're fed

Right? That was my problem with "Vinyl". You wanna do a crime drama in the '70s, fine. But don't market the show like it's all about the artists.

I'm only about halfway through the pilot, and while I admit that it's cartoony and I don't really know what's going on yet, I like the overall mood and look. This is what I wanted to see on "Vinyl". I wanted to see the colour and dynamism of the '70s, not be constantly placed in rooms inside a record company with a