I want that mirror.
I want that mirror.
The candy-ass apple dumpling gang!
Why is it so hard to give us ORIGINAL stories about funny women? Give girls their own cool geeky action heroines starring in their OWN adventures.
It's hilarious how people who clearly spend so much time on the Internet don't know how a website works.
"Rotten Tomatoes is obviously rigged, because how else do you explain the fact that an entirely different film from an entirely different director has a higher rating than a film I haven't seen?!"
It's insane. They don't even realize that RT is partly owned by WB. They insist that DC's films are just "too challenging" to warrant positive reviews from critics. Couldn't possibly be that they're just messy and poorly written.
Ehh, despite the weird family and a long string of not-well-received films over the past…decade or so, I still think that the fact that he's Will Smith is enough to get butts in seats, especially if it's a big action film he's starring in.
My friend and I, both big comic book fans, were discussing the early reviews of SS and our disappointment that the film is apparently not living up to the hype. Obviously, neither of us have seen the film, but we nonetheless talked about how we thought DC should have approached this franchise.
Baby Sour Cream was the cutest!
I'd be down with an entire prequel series.
We've got peanut butter, we've got jam. Why do we need Goober?
Yeah, the independents and such, but it just seems silly to even have them when voting for them will do squat. There are definitely things I envy about the U.S., but the government isn't one of them. This presidential election is so crazy it seems like a satire of presidential elections. I'll keep my ass in Canada,…
That makes sense, but the two parties are just so diametrically opposed to each other. What option do voters who are more middle-of-the-road have?
See, and I fear that the right wingers will vote for Trump, many left wingers won't vote at all because there's so much hate for Hillary, and this'll turn into a "In retrospect, I would've voted for Hillary…" post-Brexit situation because left wing passivity will have enabled a crazy person to become president.
I found the RNC kind of enjoyable to watch when I pretended it was really just a pre-apocalyptic miniseries.
This is what I don't understand. I'm a Canadian with very little interest in politics even within my own country, but how is it that Americans are so fed up with the status quo that they'd be willing to let a white supremacist bigot who encourages violence against protesters at his rallies run their country?
Sure, it's an obvious, cliched choice, but the devil as conceived in the "Night on Bald Mountain" segment in "Fantasia" is great as a very on-the-nose portrayal of Satan.
Not pop culture-related, but I got together with an old friend from university for a lunch date, and somehow ended up accompanying her to what I'm pretty sure was a cult gathering, where I was seated for two hours next to a guy wearing an open leather vest over a Nickelback shirt.
I, like many other fans, pretend that "Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles" doesn't exist.
I know. :(