Jealous Cactus

Murder the Universe reminds me of the prog rock laser rock show from Bob's Burgers

And like Saturn, the reactionaries devour their children

Pffft, you call that hardcore? What a baby.

I was hoping for a good deal on Rogue One,

I had a long day and I hate the fucking Eagles man

Let me show you where the lemonade is made, sweet lemonde

License to Il Pape

And Altamont

It's a map on both sides

I miss when GTA games had cool posters. Now they just have boring maps.

I dislitke Billy Joel's music. A classic rock radio station plays at work, and I hear Piano Man 50 times a night and I feel like jumping in front a forklift whenever I hear it. However I actually kinda like It's Still Rock 'n' Roll To Me. It's unfortunately the only song by Billy Joel that is not played on that

Small Cameoman

Some streaming services like to get busy, this likes to get biz-zay

Pono: Because why not pay as much or more for a digital file as you would for a real vinyl record

So much for the tolerant left

Which one's Itchy? The car?

Morning Dew by the Dead is also a good one.

I am glad podracing is finally back in the Star Wars movies. My theory that Ben Quadinaros is Snoke is basically confirmed at this point.

"Today's episode is brought to you by Blue Apron, however let me point out that there are people in America that are going to bed hungry and that is unacceptable."

I look forward to his next book, Killing My Career