Jealous Cactus

Why would God need a starship?

I really want to watch the original trilogy in Bluray, but I also am still holding out for hope that there will be a blu ray for the theatrical versions.

Boo. Find a reason to bring back Greg Sestero.

You neglected to mention Chief Wiggum's amazing performance in the role

Not the Genesis versions though.


If Netflix also gets a directors cut of The Magnificent Ambersons, I'll go down on you.

Will they be HD? I want to see Creepy Girl in all he uncompressed glory.

That's just alternative grammar.


I am surprised they did not give him a manbun.

When he sees Chewie: "Nice marmot."

She has them on blu rey.

And the bluegrass scene is filled with anarcho-transhumanists. A lot of people don't know that.

I was expecting to see an end credits scene where the stones on the grave start shaking. I am glad they didn't, some times it's nice to just have a swan song.

Pockets! Pockets everywhere!

When there is no light, they will take all the guns and trans fats. All a part of the liberals evil plot.

When there is a solar eclipse: "Very important people are saying Obama stole the sun so Soros could sell it and give the money to ISIS."

When there is a solar eclipse: "Very important people are saying Obama stole the sun so Soros could sell it and give the money to ISIS."

When there is a solar eclipse: "Very important people are saying Obama stole the sun so Soros could sell it and give the money to ISIS."