
Every one of these Marvel shows is a great 6 - 8 episode season stretched to an okay to good 13 episodes.

Often the same people who adorn their trucks, rifles and plate carriers with the flag of an insurgent, traitorous army who took up arms against the United States, I usually find …

Not such a hot take; Days of Future Past is up there with XMen II as the two best XMen films (and I, too, really like First Class as well).

I think you mean President Trumps soon-to-be-appointed Secretary of Race & Media Relations … show some goddam respect.

While I'm not a huge Stern fan, many of his interviews are actually very good, and interesting (I had three free months of Stern with my SiriusXM account when I bought my new truck). He seems to actively listen and remain engaged in his conversations with other people … so two more traits that he does not share with

Does anyone else remember when the thought of Arnold in a national office wasn't that crazy? I remember Rolling Stone did a piece on him as governor, arguing that he was in charge of whatever fraction of America California consists of, and then Time did a cover story on him and Michael Bloomberg, making a case that

Eyes Wide Shut, Born on the 4th of July, Rain Man, Color of Money, Jerry Maguire …

Yeah, I can't see how these things do any of this better than your average smart phone.

My thoughts, too … I've been teaching for almost 20 years. Sometimes, the best things for a kid is to get as far away from his/her inept parents as possible.

Why isn't Adrien Brody making more good films?

Terrific book - this and From the Sky Down are two great documents of the wild creativity that went into this album and the tour. Also captured the seeming craziness of the Zoo TV Tour.

What an unholy racket of a mess that "album" is … the opening title track's lyrics sound like they were dashed off 10 minutes before they recorded the song; there's three songs jammed in the middle that refer to technology or something; sonically, Get on Your Boots doesn't sound like anything else on the album; Cedars

I agree wholeheartedly. If U2 had released that album differently, without the clunky Apple business, I think it would be remembered far more fondly.

Most of those songs were burnished live. I saw POPMart at Giants Stadium, and those songs really rocked live.

I think it's rep has improved with age … The majority of those songs are interesting, and their lyrics are as deep and dark as anything on the preceding two albums, in my opinion. Pop should have been a long EP or two songs shorter (Playboy Mansion and Miami are two of the worst songs U2 has ever written.) I wish they

Christ, G.W. Bush's rep gets burnished day by day when compared with who will be entering the White House in a few months …

Didn't we get an accident prone web slinger on Broadway a few years ago?

For Your Consideration: The Greatness of the Entire Run of The Larry Sanders Show Can be Distilled in the first Four Minutes and 32 Seconds of Episode 6 of Season 2

This really is a Top 10 … every sentence is dripping with satirical, sarcastic, Onion-y greatness …

Ugh … I hear you. I can read about vintage video games for days, but these AV CLub stories always come with a side of regret that I had ALL of this stuff once (NES, SNES, original Game Boy, years worth of Nintendo Power issues, etc.) and got rid of all of it. Why didn't I hang onto every single thing that I loved from