
I think/hope the reaction to Man of Steel marked the point at which Hollywood realized destruction porn probably wasn't the way to go anymore. Avengers 2 had a similar finale (despite superficial shots of the team saving civilians) and got criticized accordingly.

It's probably not a film that's loved for its action, but The Dark Knight is surprisingly sparing of its CGI. Apart from the helicopter crash, everything in the main truck chase setpiece is practical. Hell, even Inception did a good job in keeping it grounded, despite the premise allowing for pretty much anything.

I wholeheartedly reject the revisionist assessment that Death Proof is now a good movie all of a sudden.

Kind of agree. I feel like I've stumbled into a bizarro AV Club which thinks Tarantino is perfect. Comment sections aren't normally like this as far as he's concerned.

You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it…

I much prefer Anderson's lecherous, sassy Mason to Pitt's man-child Mason. Admittedly Anderson has been deformed the entire time, which adds to the effect.

Agreed, when the imagery is founded on a rugged plot the show's at its best. After three rather laborious opening episodes I'm relieved the show remembered that.

This was the first time this season I've actually enjoyed Will being onscreen. When he's with Hannibal his portentous wittering has a much more effective playfulness.

I struggled with the movie (by the last third you're beginning to wonder if it'll ever end - which is admittedly how it played out in real life) but it's certainly one of the most remarkable final scenes of recent times. Every tense second Phillips has spent with those pirates comes flooding out.

Whatever one's opinion of the band, their popularity in the UK makes their headline status far from 'inexplicable'.

Upvoted for ludicrously tangental yet true Simpsons reference.

It's a *bit* pretentious. But only a bit.

It's practically blasphemous on to say on the internet, but I could take or leave Iron Man 1. It had no idea what to do with him once he'd made the suit.

I wouldn't call the Witcher 3's graphics especially beautiful, but they've made landscapes about as realistic as I've seen in a game so far. When you're riding through a dense forest with the sun clashing against all the trees creating a minefield of shadows, it feels very true to life. The designers didn't go out of

Never has a band garnered so much adulation for doing so little. I even like a couple of tracks, but talk about being in the right place at the right time.

No-one will read this so late in the day but… I quite liked it. If a pilot's job is to make you watch the rest then mission succeeded.

Yes, I enjoyed this the most so far. It should have been the second episode, it gives more weight to proceedings seeing all the main players focus on one end.

"Tap… into… America!"


Almost all of it is CGI, but it's not as distracting as trailers suggest. Your attention is instead drawn to the suckiness of everything else.