At first I thought the US Office was rather lucky to be above its UK predecessorā¦ but damn it if Dinner Party wasn't a great choice to justify that.
At first I thought the US Office was rather lucky to be above its UK predecessorā¦ but damn it if Dinner Party wasn't a great choice to justify that.
The split of the final year was really dumb and cynical on AMC's part, but the show never had a bad season. If it sticks the landing it could well be my favourite series ever.
"There's a huge amount of actual hate being spread through New Atheism"
I think it was this site that said, once you've completed every mission and exhausted every possible conversation, GTA V becomes a loneliness simulator.
Yup. I just turned 30 and already feel like I can't bear to read any more. I then feel doubly bad as feeling old because of other people's music tastes is incredibly cliched.
His name is his name.
AV Club has never really done the whole music thing that well, let's be honest.
I'm looking forward to Knight Of Cups. I know, 'rich guy in a vapid world learns what's really important' isn't the most exciting setup, but I am intrigued to see Terrence Malick do his thing in a contemporary urban environment, and the cast is pretty/great.
For a face that could be described as weird at best, Yorke does have very nice hair.
Said it before and I'll say it again: the lack of violence, or rather the immediate threat of violence, makes a lot of people mistake Mad Men for being boring.
Curiously it's one of the best reviewed movies of the the year on rottentomatoes.
I laughed when Harrleson told the two black cops he didn't want to know about the broader conspiracy they'd uncovered at the end. It was a big 'fuck you' to everyone who got so needlessly invested in that side of things.
I don't recall AV Club anticipating it - in fact there was a lot of trepidation in both articles and comments, and understandably so.
Apparently Interstellar was the only movie in the 2014 top 10 worldwide box office takings not to be a sequel, reboot, or based on existing source material. I had problems with the film (should have been more exploration, less thriller) but I'm glad Nolan's trying, dammit.
I hate Batman's portrayal in 'Returns' (he's a meandering hermit who displays almost no actual heroism) but I like the movie retroactively just because something like that would NEVER be released now. Seriously, it's a fever dream.
The Dark Knight is a quote factory thanks to the Joker. (Although if I had dollar for every time I heard 'not the X we deserve but the one we need right now' I'd beā¦ fairly wealthy.)
The Wolf Among Us is based on the popular 'Fables' comic books. And very good they are too. (Just FYI, as the writer didn't mention it so I'm wondering if they even realised.)
Off topic reference: I was watching the British sitcom 'Toast of London' the other day and the moment when Matt Berry, in a bid to impress his more pop cultured friends, exclaims 'I hear Breaking Bad is fantastic!' made me chuckle.
A lot of its detractors do, wrongly IMO, accuse Mad Men of being a soap opera. I suspect because, unlike other 'Golden Age' shows, it doesn't have the luxury of immediate violence to create drama. (Well, other than *that* scene.)
This is a problem I have too. The victim that the story is now (apparently) centered around isn't a character, he's a plot device. Literally the only times we've seen him he's acted like a total douche - I don't care that he's dead.