
Aw, I wanted a Montana.

Oh, come on, Evelyn's only crime was being a stupid teenager. And also accessory to murder. Lots and lots of murder. But that's mostly a consequence of being mind-bogglingly stupid, even by teenager standards.

The pointy bits are nature's way of telling us not to invade.

U mad?

Quick, everybody, while the Americans are all busy drinking cold salty tea and eating bald eagles, let's sneak in and take back a couple of states!

Ten's death was just so ridiculously contrived. "Okay, so here's a machine that has to have someone locked inside it at all times. Two booths, and you can only open one by locking yourself in the other. And if anything goes wrong, whoever's in the booth will die."

Since I'm still extremely bitter about Donna's unhappy ending, I really can't complain at the acrobatics necessary to give Bill a better send-off.

Some of the hats.

The short one wants four fried rats, and the gigantic one made of rock wants some coke.

Somebody needs to make a list of all the wrestlers Stallone has fought.

For a minute there I thought that was Robert Graves, presumably somehow carried there by I, Claudius.

Somewhere out there is a universe where Vincent D'Onofrio is still Thor, and John Rhys-Davies is still Wilson Fisk.

Having never been tempted to watch any of the Hostel series, I assume this is genuine dialogue.

How the fuck is Missy Elliott so far down? Did she stop being relevant? Am I getting old?

What's not to love? It has beautiful women, awesome mustaches, oversized guns, creepy demons, sexy law enforcement officers, an excellent sense of humour, and pretty decent action.

I form my company of redcoats into an orderly column and march them into the woods with pipes and drums playing to search for those traitorous colonials.

Slade, changing his actor posture and body language depending on whether he's got the mask on or off.

The gun control episode was the absolute low point of this season. The way it ends with just: "Yeah, we found a compromise that makes everybody happy. Moving swiftly on…"

"Addison Timlin" sounds like somebody shook a bag full of scrabble pieces until they got a combination of syllables that had never been seen before, and then declared that a name.

Listen, I'm all for making celebrities compete against one another, but if you're going to call it a battle you should at least make them fight for real. In a pit. With knives.